The Ailunce HD1 is a feature packed dual band DMR handheld radio. Since it was built from the ground up for the amateur radio market, it has some features and abilities that you may not find on other DMR handhelds. One benefit is that you can customize the radio for your particular tastes. In KB9VBR’s viedo review, he mentioned four Ailunce HD1 Customizing features
Import private call contacts into the address book.
- Download Digital Contacts Wizard from website.
2. Import the database of private call contacts into the address book.
The advantage of this is that the names and call signs will show up on the screen instead of just a DMR ID. This is super handy when you are montoring some of the large talk groups.
Custom Power-On message
You can change the welcome message of the HD1 from the generic Ailunce Logo to any custom image of your choice. First of all, you need a compatible image file which need 160*128 pixels, 24 bit, BMP file. for example like below picture:
Open the software, Go to Function–Power on LOGO. Open the correct image you created, and then write to your radio.
Modify the Side key settings
A handy feature on the Ailunce HD1 is the ability to modify the key settings. You can modify the two buttons below PTT button in either and set them up a sidekey 1 and sidekey 2 for either a long press or short press.
In the software, you also can do key settings.
A very handy feature is that you can set the one key call which allows you to go quickly to a particular talk group in the radio. To do that you need to One Key Call setting.
Update firmware
The firmware update process is very simple. First need to download the correct firmware file compatible with your radio. Before this, make sure your radio comes with GPS or not. For more details, please watch KB9VBR’ video.
Contact Ailunce Facebook Page if you have any questions.
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