Ailunce HD1 Dual Band DMR Amateur Radio

Ailunce HD1 is the first radio we R&D mainly for hams. What’s the different between HD1 and other dual band dmr radios? What makes HD1 unique? Not only it is Dual Band DMR radio, it has a lot of other functions and design details. All of them make HD1 unique.

Note:The radio’s in the short movies are proto-types. The final version will be more beautiful and greater.

1. Appearance Design:

Ailunce HD1 has Very simple design, 360 degree channel knob.The true radio’s lcd is made from inside by ultrasonic wave. This technology will improve the waterproof rating,even higher than IP67. The whole radio is waterproof and dustproof.

Long pres “*Scan” will turn on the scan function. Long press “#LOCK” will turn on keypad also can turn on the keypad lock by HD1 menu.

Battery indicate percent: Like the photo show, the battery is 88% now, it is more clear and more intuitive.

HD1 each line can display 16 characters.

2. Dual Band DMR Radio

Ailunce HD1 is true-2-slot, provide 2-slot communication which allows for 2 talk paths on 1 frequency;comply with MOTOTRBO Tier Ⅰ&Ⅱ. DMR and FM mode, dual display and dual standby.

VFO and Channel Mode. HD1 is True VFO mode. You can directly input frequency, shift, shift direction, color code and other settings via keypad.  It is a great upgrade for digital radio. You can save the frequency as a channel, edit and delete. you can edit contacts,group lists,etc. HD1 make you operate almost all the settings via keypad.

Channel mode, there are three different display ways for choice. Name(channel name and channel number), Chnnel(channel number), frequency(frequency and channel number).

You can change the channel display ways by menu.  In channel frequency mode, you can change vfo and channel mode by short press “EXIT”. Long press “Exit” will change analog and digital in vfo mode.

3. Radio ID

Some hams may have several radio ID, so they ask if the radio can edit radio ID via radio keypad. HD1 can save total 32 radio ID, You can choose the radio id directly. In addition, you can chooose the radio id you have saved via keypad, or you also can edit the radio id by radio keypad.

4. Customize side key via radio keypad

You not only can customize the side key by HD1 software, but also can customized the side key via radio keypad.

5. You can operate the HD1 when there is a incomming call

You can operate the HD1 even if your radio is receiving. You can enter the menu to do any operation. The menu will not go back to the menu home page automatically. You can press “EXIT” to go back to menu home page step by step. press the PTT you can go bact to the menu home page directly.

6. Three scan mode

Ailunce HD1 has three scan mode. Time, carrier and search. HD1 give you more choice.

7. Promiscuous

Ailunce HD1 has promiscuous function, when you choose “ON”, It will make you listen all the signal, even if you are not in the same group.

8.Two-slot simplex(DCDM)

it support two conversations on the same channel in simplex mode.

9.High power and Large memory battery

HD1 has three power level. 10w/5w/1w, you can choose by software,menu,or side key. the battery of HD1 is 3200mAh. Professional battery and long standby.

10.Special Contacts List

The contacts list has two parts. One part is priority contacts, it includes 1000 contacts. You can edit contacts in software or on the radio via keypad directly. Another parts is address book contacts, it includes 100000 contacts. You can edit the contacts use table file(.csv) on PC, then import the files to the software. Import and export is very easy.

The contacts list information includes Call type, Name, Callsign, City ,Province, Country and ID. When you receive a call, you radio will show all information about the transmitter, not only a radio ID like RT3/RT8/MD380/MD390 etc.

11.FM radio

Listen FM radio, You can store your favorite FM bands. You can set DW (Receive signal when using FM radio function) to avoid missing friends’ calls

I only show some functions here. there are a lot of design details suit for hams and waiting for you to discover. Let waiting for HD1 comming in Septembe. More information about the HD1, you can follow Ailunce FB home page. If you have any questions about the Ailunce HD1,you also can leave message here.





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52人评论了“Ailunce HD1 Dual Band DMR Amateur Radio”

  1. Another outstanding radio by Retevis for ham’s great work guys… 🙂
    Can’t wait to see the HD-1

  2. A huge request to the reputable manufacturer will make possible the S-meter indication of the strength of the received signal in dB, it will be very useful for radio amateurs!
    So it’s very much a question – will you implement the “Talker Alias” system?

  3. Andrey RV6LRJ

    Hello, dear Retevis.
    I have a couple of questions for you, if you will.
    1. Rather, this proposal – please do in HD1 S-meter in dB .. this is useful for a lot of radio amateurs
    2. Say, in HD1 will be implemented systems “Talker Alias”?

    Thank you for the answers and for your work.

  4. Hi, dear Company!
    Please, and do not prepare the transceiver with D-STAR? (Handy or mobile, dual band ideal).

  5. Is GPS built in just not turned on in the firmware? Will it be available through a firmware upgrade in the future?

    1. HD1 no GPS will be available at the end of November. We will email you let you know when you can buy it. Thanks!

    1. HD1 no GPS will be available at the end of this month. We will email you when you can buy it. Thanks!

  6. I would like to know: 1- When the GPS version will be available. 2- What will it include? 3- Will the HD1 as an option be compatible with The D-Star radios? Thank you.

    1. When GPS version is available, we will issue a arrival announcement. HD1 is not compatible with the D-star radios. Thanks!

  7. Nicola Gualteroni

    A question about the hd1 cps …
    Are the functions to import/export (csv file) channels (and other… e.g. zones, priority contacts, rx lists, … ) expected in the future ?

  8. Hello! i had the same question it would save a lot of work and make it more user friendly
    Question about the hd1 cps …
    Are the functions to import/export (csv file) channels (and other… e.g. zones, priority contacts, rx lists, … ) expected in the future ?

  9. Hello!

    Where can I order a spate battery for the HD1. I ordered a HD1, but I could not find a spare battery.
    Thank you in advance and kind regards.

  10. Glenn Borland

    Hi folks at Retcvis;
    I just received a couple of HD1’s with GPS.
    The radios have performed flawlessly. I am very
    happy with them. It is a breeze (easy) to program
    and sounds good.
    But, I do not see any way to send DTMF tones.
    I suspect the feature is not in the radio, If it is,
    I have not found it. Over here we have remote
    weather stations that are accessed via. ‘touchtome’ (DTMF).
    I thank you for the fine product and look forward to
    many years of use.
    I thank you in advance for your time.
    Best regards;
    Glenn Borland (K6VZK)

      1. Julio Fernandez

        Excuse me in wich update you put the DTMF i have the 1.5.3 and dont have please help with this

  11. Please work on the DTMF tones. In my state there are about 400 repeaters. Only about 10 of them are DMR. Many of the 400 analog repeaters have EchoLink or IRLP and can dial other repeaters, but this requires DTMF tones.

  12. I purchased 4 of the HD-1 radios for my family members who are amateur operators.
    While it has a nice physical build and nice features (most operations can be done via keypad / dual-band / etc)

    IT NEEDS TO HAVE DTMF ENCODING !!!!! We use DTMF tone signalling for repeater control.
    SO –> All of our radios are sitting in chargers now.

    You missed a great chance to really take over the “ham world”.

    BTW:: If you could increase the band range (UHF) to 400-520mhz would really assist those of us that would like to use radios for work (public safety / “t-band” 470-500mhz would even be fine.) AND amateur service bands.


  13. I purchased 4 of the HD-1 radios for my family members who are amateur operators.
    While it has a nice physical build and nice features (most operations can be done via keypad / dual-band / etc)

    NEEDS TO HAVE DTMF ENCODING !!!!! We use DTMF tone signalling for repeater control.
    SO –> All of our radios are sitting in chargers now.

    You missed a great chance to really take over the “ham world”.

    BTW:: If you could increase the band range (UHF) to 400-520mhz would really assist those of us that would like to use radios for work (public safety / “t-band” 470-500mhz would even be fine.) AND amateur service bands.


  14. I cant import frequency channels (csv.files) to radio. I received a prompt that import succesful, but there is nothing on the screen.

  15. Hi! It seems impossible to transmitt on a band and receive on another.
    Channels programmed as cross band channels disappear when programmed into the radio.
    They remain in the PC file, but can not be found in the radio. How can this be fixed?

  16. Error message on my HD1, “Repeater Fail”. already tried the settings you suggest but won’t worked.

    1. First, please make sure all the radio settings are correct. and then set the repeater connect to 1 time. Please have a try again. Thanks.


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