Retevis amateur prepper radio

How was amateur radio used in the emergency and rescue?

Generally, amateur radio is suitable for hams,  However, amateur radios are welcome by the rescue teams, security companies, and Preppers. Because ham radios are the functional communication tools that can fit more situations. So, let’s talk about how was amateur radio used in the emergency and rescue teams.

Let’s choose HD1 as an example.

HD1 is the most popular and famous ham radio for ham clubs.

The main functions for emergency and rescue are:

  • IP67 waterproof and dustproof. You can use it in rainy or dust places as normal.
  • Full keyboard: The VFO function and the keyboard can help users program on the radio, you do not have to connect with a computer via a programming cable.
  • Dual-band. You can receive or transmit to 2 channels at the same time. So, you can set band A as an emergency channel, and Band b for communication.
  • Emergency Alarm. The local alarm function can draw attention to others and activate it to get help if you are stuck in one place. The remote alarm function can send alarm information to others, as long as others can receive your alarm information immediately on a frequency.
  • Roaming function. You can activate the roaming function to connect to the closed repeater for a stronger connection. But you should write the repeater frequency on your radio.
  • Work alone function. We use the radio to talk. If I lived in the East of town, and my parents live in the North of town, I can activate the work alone function and on my parents’ home way.
  • GPS function. If you need helps from others, the GPS can provide an accurate address and send it to others.

👇Find more tips on amateur radio used in the emergency and rescue👇


Here are 3 radios for Emergency and rescue

RT5: longer range than UV5R, dual-band, emergency alarm radio.

RT3S: DMR ham radio with the optional GPS function.

HD1: IP67 waterproof and dustproof functional DMR radio with GPS.

  • To compare with the price: low to high


  • To compare with the power: low to high


  • To compare with the function


So, if you want to know more about our Amateur Prepper radios, please contact, or chat with us on Facebook and Instagram. And it is better to follow our Facebook page for more updates and news.

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