Create Your Own Emergency Communication Plan is very important and essential for your business and family. When the internet goes down and cell phone lines become overburdened, How to communicate? This plan can be very useful, especially in special situations. Such as bad weather, emergencies, natural disasters, etc.
Now we are using the cellphone and smartphones to communicate with family and partners during life. But when we meet the bad weather such as Typhoon, rainstorms, no power, no cell phone signal, and internet.
We can not communicate with others with our smartphones.
How to communicate?
Yes. Some people will think about the Walkie talkies.
Two-way radios, another name is a walkie-talkie. There are different kinds of two-way radios in the market. Handheld radios and mobile radios and two-way radios base station.
Two-way Radios are widely used in the military. But now, walkie-talkies are widely used in any setting where portable radio communications are necessary. Including business, public safety, outdoor recreation. Also includes amateur radios.
Now personal also choose walkie-talkies as their communication tools during life. There are lots of types of two-way radios that can be used for personal. Like the license-free radios such as the U.S. FRS, Europe’s PMR446, and Australia’s UHF CB.
And walkie-talkies can be worked without the cellphone signal. So when you meet bad weather, emergencies, or natural disasters, choose walkie-talkies as your first emergency communication plan.
Retevis Walkie Talkies Recommend
If you are a ham, you will know how important the ham radio is in natural disasters.
During times of crisis and natural disaster. Cell phones and other traditional means of communication fail. Amateur radio will do its job to help communicate. For example, there are more than 1,000 Ham Radio operators working along the Gulf Coast to provide emergency communication for Hurricane Katrina 2005.
Our Ailunce HD1 was designed for hams, and the ideas come from ham radio operators.
Retevis RT5R series
RT5R series walkie-talkies are the star radios for emergency communication and preppers. Lots of the preppers and hams choose this model as their first radio to practice skills.
Retevis RT49p is not only a license-free radio, but also it is a waterproof and floating walkie-talkie. If you want to choose one as your family emergency communication tool, this one Retevis RT49P will be a good choice.
1, It is fully waterproof. So you can use it in different environments. No mattery rainy day, or accidentally fell into the water.
There are lots of customers who choose this model for kayaking and fishing.
2, Packed with standard AA batteries. You can purchase extra batteries in your local market. This will be very important to be your family communication tool.
If you come from European countries, you can choose Retevis RT649P, it is the PMR446 walkie-talkie.
If you don’t know how to choose the right emergency walkie talkies for your business or family, contact us directly:
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