The floatable walkie talkieRT49P has indeed attracted the attention of many customers. Some customers left a message on Facebook: Awesome product for the outdoorsman! Some customers have already booked and want to be the first customers of RT49P.
We are very grateful for the support of Retevis customers.
Now, we want to test and recruit the floatable walkie-talkie RT49P.
We want testers to meet two or more requirements:
First: 1500+ social media subscribers;
Second: Have shooting experience;
Third: Belong to the target customers of outdoor walkie-talkies;
If you meet these three requirements, please leave a message on Facebook and Blog: “I love it”, we will contact you via email within 12 hours.

There are only 3 places, I hope everyone will actively participate. This is really a perfect walkie-talkie.
In addition, currently we only have FRS frequencies, so we only accept users who live in the United States. Please understand.
The bright spot of RT49P is still very obvious, falling into the water and flashing and floating. In addition, the technicians carried out a three-layer water-proof design for the RT49P to protect the walkie-talkie from water.
Therefore, if you receive the walkie-talkie, you must check the screws and tighten them to prevent water from entering.
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