Giveaway For Scouts Family-Retevis License-free Radios

Giveaway For Scouts Family-Retevis License-free Radios

Last week, we posted the blog about the free radios for kids who are the scouts. There are lots of scouts leaders or parents joined us to get the free radios for their kids.

Here are the winners:

Winners NameBrief introductionWin Prize
Matt Isaacsthe Scout Leader for 10-14 yearsRT628 1 pair
Deborah Pepper2 children aged 12 & 16yrs oldRT628 1 pair
David Muldertwo teenagers, but haven’t left how old are themRT37 1 pair
Jennifer spencer4 kids in scouts, From 10 years old to 18 years oldRT628 1 pair
Dave Hanniganthe Scout LeaderRT628 1 pair



Now Giveaway For Scouts Family-Retevis License-free Radios is coming. Check the details below:

1: Who can and how to apply?

A: Should be apply on the basis of family, and at least one child is a Scout.

1, Leave comments below this blog, the comment should be include why you want to apply for the free radios for your fmaily and Where will you use them. And which model do you want to get.

2: Do I need to do anything else?

A: In addition to leaving a comment below this blog, you also need to share this blog to your social media( facebook, twitter and etc) and include the hashtag #RetevisBoyScoutRadiosFree

3: How many radios will your family get?

A: Each family will get 1 pairs Retevis License-free Family Radio.

  • Family Radio Retevis RT22/RT622: the lightweight and mini License-free two way radio.
  • Family Radio Retevis RT45: USB Rechargeable License-free walkie talkie
  • Family Outdoor Radio Retevis RT49B/RT649B-The license-free two way radios(White or Red)

4, How many winners in total?

A: It depends on the number of participants. 50% chance to win.  For example, if only 10 families join, the winners will have 5 families.

5: When will the winners get the prize?

A: We’ll contact you soon to confirm the detailed shipping information by email:

6: When will this giveaway end and when will the result be announced?

A: This giveaway ends on Jan 7th, 2021, the result will be announced on Jan 11th, 2021.

7: How to leave comment below this blog?

A: At the end of this blog, you will find the leave a reply. Just comment there and fill your name and email into the right place will be ok.

8, Others

  • If I didn’t get the prize. We appreciate your joining in this activity! We will offer $10 Gift Card to all of you (except for the winners) by email!
  • It would be much appreciated if you would like to share pictures with us when you get the prize. It will be better to prove our RetevisBoyScoutRadiosFree is real and effective.
  • Please comments as the rules, if you don’t note which model do you want, we will send the model to you randomly.
  • When your leave comments, it will take about 24 hours(Only for business days) for us to review and allow.


If you have any question, please feel free to contact us by email:




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56人评论了“Giveaway For Scouts Family-Retevis License-free Radios”

  1. Kevin Schlomer

    We could use the radios with our scout troop when hiking out of cell phone range. It would be great!

  2. Sherry houlihan

    My son is just moving from cubs to scouts here in Scotland and so is his best friend from school. They are inseparable in scouting and they often do badge work together, these radios would help them to continue to work together during this covid crisis. I and his friends mum wouldn’t need to hear them screaming at each other from 2 meters away, they could communicate at a reasonable level.

  3. Our son is currently 3 marit badges away from completing all his Eagle requirements and then he will start on his eagle project

  4. Joshua Meredith

    We have a Tiger and a Wolf, both me and my wife are den leaders. Would be great for campouts.

  5. 11yr old just joined his 13yr old brother in Scouts, and I have also become an ASL as well as a Beaver Scout Leader.

    1. TatumjohnDealdo

      My 15 years Scout(SPL) old just completed his Eagle board and was very successful and my 8 year old is also a cub in my den as a Bear. Myself and my wife have been active in scouting for 9 years and still continuing.

  6. Brian Wisniewski

    Hello ! We have been a scouting family for about 5 years now. I am a leader as well . I have 2 sons in scouting . 1 is a Cub (Bear) and other is a Boyscout (1st class) . I think we would benefit by having these for our hikes and campouts. Thanks

  7. Thomas Roberts

    My son is now in his first year of Boy Scouts, he is the only one in his cub pack that is moving forward. Due to the pandemic we have not been able to attend a physical meeting.

  8. Charles Johnson

    My son is cub scout and my wife is committee chairman and I am the cubmaster and boy scout master

  9. George Dalesandry

    Our whole family is in scouting and we love to camp. My wife and I are leaders and I have a bear scout and an AOL Webelos Scout. We go camping any change we can.

  10. Nathan Cullen

    Would love the radios for my Scout troop for hikes. My son is in the troop and I am one of the leaders.

  11. We have two boys in scouts. One is a Life scout and the other is currently First Class rank. They would love the Family Radio Retevis RT45: USB Rechargeable License-free walkie talkie. In January they plan to ask the committee to purchase walkies for them to use while they are volunteering at events and at camp.

  12. My Two Daughters 6 & 9 years of age would make great use of the Family Outdoor Radio Retevis RT49B/RT649B-The license-free two way radios(White or Red). We are always out in the great outdoors playing with maps, radio and these would help to make it even more exciting.

  13. Lonnie Duane Weckwerth

    My son is a star scout in a small troop of 8 scouts of which i am also the scoutmaster. these would be great for communication at summer camp! Thank You

  14. Christine Smith

    I have twin sea scouts 13 years old and I am a cub leader we would love these for when we are hiking or even on the water. RT 649b

  15. Scouts for 7 years, 2 kids (1 Cubs, 1 Troop). Dual staffed as Cubmaster and den leader for all 7 years and still currently, also a Assistant Scoutmaster at Troop. Scouting is a way of life!

  16. My son is a scout former SPL and currently the lodge chief. He is also working to help his local fire department and sheriff office. He wants to work for the DNR. I am a first responder and we come from a long line of service oriented family.

  17. I’m a scout leader and my son is a young leader both licensed ham operators and teach radio to a group of 100 kids

    1. Paul Medeiros

      We have a 13 year old first class Boy Scout a 9 year old Bear Scout & my wife has been a Den leader since the bear was a lion scout. I have been active in scouting for the last ten years.

      Thank You

  18. Kevin Sturmer

    When my son started out as a Tiger, I joined to be the Den Leader. My two daughters came along on all the adventures and activities because my wife worked those hours and they wanted to participate. Now the three of them are in linked Troops with my wife as the Scout Master for the female troop and I’m on the committee. We camp often and would put the radios to use throughout the year at campouts, hikes, biking excursions, and much more. I volunteer with the local ARES/RACES group helping provide emergency radio comms for numerous running and bicycling events throughout the year. My oldest has joined me the last 5 years.

  19. Amy Silvarman

    I have 2 scouts who would LOVE this! A bear scout who’s just earned his Bear Rank. Also a first year Boy Scout who’s just completing his 2nd class who will earn his Eagle by the time he is 13! Thank you for the opportunity!

  20. Hi I have a 6year old in scouts and a 12 year old going from cub scouts to boy scouts and I have been a leader for 6 years. This would b good for group camping trips as well as for my son to learn and show the younger kids how to use.

  21. Scott Deitering

    As a scout leader and parent the RT45 would be the perfect radio to keep in touch on the trail and at camp!

  22. Brian Ranshaw

    Im a father of a Star scout , a scoutmaster, cub scout day camp director , cub scout committee member and district committee member . a set of the Family Radio Retevis RT45: USB Rechargeable License-free walkie talkie. Would be great for my troop!!!

  23. Radios would be alot of use for us as a scout family.yself and my wife are leaders, my oldest son is a cub scout and my youngest son is a beaver. (UK)

  24. My son is an Eagle Scout and SPL in the Troop. I am the Scoutmaster. We would use these radios on Scout as well as family outings to keep in touch. We do a lot of adventures where we do get separated so these would be very handy to have.

  25. Hi, my son and daughter are both scouts, I am also ASM for my son’s troop. My son just earned Eagle this year, and my daughter is working on her First Class rank. My son has earned his radio merit badge and is very interested in radio communication and electronics. He wants to continue and earn his amateur radio license . Our family loves to spend time outdoors, in fact, we live right next to a very large park in our town that connects to the county conservation area. They spend most summer days/nights in that park. Having family radios would be a great way to keep in touch while we are camping, hiking in the Smokies or while the kids are in the park in the evenings. Thank you for offering this giveaway, it is an awesome idea!

    1. Hi Jason,
      Thanks for your message.
      Now we are checking all the messages and then post the winners.
      Would you please tell us if you have shares this blog to your social media or not? If yes, please send us the link.
      Then we will check if you are the winnter or not.

      Thanks in advance.

  26. Hi, my son and daughter are both scouts, I am also ASM for my son’s troop. My son just earned Eagle this year, and my daughter is working on her First Class rank. My son has earned his radio merit badge and is very interested in radio communication and electronics. He wants to continue and earn his amateur radio license . Our family loves to spend time outdoors, in fact, we live right next to a very large park in our town that connects to the county conservation area. They spend most summer days/nights in that park. Having the RT45 rechargeable radios would be a great way to keep in touch while we are camping, hiking in the Smokies or while the kids are in the park in the evenings. Thank you for offering this giveaway, it is an awesome idea!

    -added the radio model number

  27. Guy Hadsall (Bobwhite)

    Thank you! Thank you for your awesome products and especially for supporting Scouting and families with this opportunity!

    For over seven years our Pack hikes monthly, rain or shine, introducing youth and families to the outdoors. Leaders and parents are encouraged to bring FRS radios on the homes as kids can easily be distracted by amazing things on and off the trail. We’ve never lost one yet, fingers crossed.

    Your RT45 radios would be used by family to not only participate in theses fun outdoor adventures but also for my Scout as he bridges into Troop soon….oh the adventures! Summer Camp. Philmont. & Northern Tier. And Backpacking, Wilderness Survival…and more merit badges.

    Thank you again for your support of Scouting!

  28. Alexandre Gomes

    My son Diogo, 7, has just joined a local scouts club, in sunny southern Portugal, where scouts are called Escoteiros. He is very happy in his scouts uniform, spending time outdoors, getting his hands dirty, making new friends, learning useful stuff and how to work in a group. Scouts are kind, fun, smart and practical people. I hope Diogo will grow to became such a person.
    He is familiar with walkie talkies, our neighborhood friend has a pair and they have a great time together playing with them around the block. I’m sure he would love to have a set of his own, so he could talk to his friend living across the street.
    He would surely take them and show them around on his scouts meetings. They would be very handy on their group activities.
    I think when you use a radio it helps your communication skills (that’s listening too).
    We have a few more kids the same age down the street. Sometimes our families go biking all together, other days we go treasure hunting (geocaching). Having an extra set of radios available would make those little pirates very happy and help parents feel safer by having a way to keep in touch with the kids when they wander off. Thank you. RT45 (because it´s PMR and uses “normal” batteries)

    1. Hi Alexandre,
      Thanks for your message.
      Now we are checking all the messages and then post the winners.
      Would you please tell us if you have shares this blog to your social media or not? If yes, please send us the link.
      Then we will check if you are the winnter or not.

      Thanks in advance.

  29. I’m a cub master and my stepson is a boy scout a radio would be good when the scouts go out on a hike.

  30. My name is Matt I’m currently the Scout Master for Troop 4 in Southern California. My 13 year old son is currently working on Star Rank. He has been a scout since the age of 5 in Cub Scouts. I’ve been in leadership ever since he started. And have utilized ham radio ever since I got my ticket .A lot of my scouts enjoy 3rd party communication when we are out backpacking/camping.

  31. Marc Hasselbrack

    Hi my 11 year old is in Boy Scouts in Maine. We go camping at least every month of the year. The RT22 would be great to communicate while we are hiking or at night while in the tents. I am also the advancement chair for our Troop.

  32. Anderson Lowe

    2nd year scout leader, have 3 boys in scouts now that enjoy camping. Webelo, wolf and a lion. And we are getting mom involved and enjoying the camping.

  33. Hello I’m a cub master for pack 102 in kunkletown and the reason I would like to apply for the radios is because we do hikes and split up in groups and this really would help us leaders stay in touch with the other group.
    Thank you for all your doing for scouts this is really awesome.
    Thank you
    Chuck Hayes
    Pack 102

  34. I am a scout leader and have been one since 1996. My oldest finished his scouting career as a life scout (Tiger to Life) ages out. My youngest son is still scouting and just earned his Star rank.

  35. My daughter is a brownie scout. I have been a scout from elementary upto my early college days. My son is about to join it too atbthe right age! Communications is very important especially for outdoor activities like during camping, hikes and bike rides for us. I also believe that these family radios are the gateway to learning mor about it and advancing into the amateur radio world.


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