UP TO 68% Off HOT DEALS on Hams, it is the best time to order your favorite radios.
Here is the list of our hot sale radios.
HD1, RT82, RT72, RT73, RT91, and RT5.
HD1, RT82, and RT73 are the DMR handheld radios and mobile radios. RT5 and RT91 are analog handheld radio and mobile radio. So, there are more choices for you.
RT82 and RT72 can ship from EU warehouses and US warehouses, so, they will deliver so quickly with fewer risks. More importantly, there is no duty and additional fees on the transportation.
Here is the link to these models, and you can choose the matched radio for you. https://bit.ly/Amateur-radio-deal
And recently, we have participated in some hamfests and exhibitions in the US. and EU.
This is our RT73 DMR mobile radio with a fitted headset. It will be given to attendees for free as a reward for the show’s winners. The show, the largest amateur radio show in northwestern Spain, opens on April 30. Our products in the exhibition are RT98 analog mobile radio and RT82 DMR ham radio. If you are willing to participate in the exhibition, please contact us for more information.
And we also participated in some other hamfests, like the Indiana state hamfest. If you are interested in the hamfest, you can visit https://hamfest.org/2021-event-flyer
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