It isn’t only one to add RT84 channels by software, it also can add Retevis RT84 channels by hand. Not only can add analog channels, but also can add digital channels, let’s us study it together
Prepare steps to add Retevis RT84 channels by hand
Choose channel mode in RT84 software
In general setting, choose ‘channel’ in Freq/Channel mode, like a photo as below
Detail steps to add Retevis RT84 channels by hand
1.How to add RT84 analog channels by hand
A.Add a analog channel to save
Steps: Click menu-Utilities-[3]programming radio-[6]Add CH-[1]Analog CH
Programming CH Name: Lee
RX Frequency: 421.23500
TX Frequency: 421.23500
B.Add a analog channel (Lee)to a zone
Steps:Click menu-zone-[1]zonelist-zone 1-[3]Add CH-CH A-Lee
In the end, please change mode from Mr to channel in radio setting then you will see ‘lee’ channel you programming in band A, At this time, you can programme CTCSS/DCS, or not
2.How to add RT84 digital channels by hand
A. Add a digital channel to save
Steps: Click menu-Utilities-[3]programming radio-[6]Add CH-[2]Digital CH
Programming CH Name: Lewis
RX Frequency: 422.23500
TX Frequency: 422.23500
-choose a contact-add a group list
B.Add a digital channel (Lewis)to a zone
Steps:Click menu-zone-[1]zonelist-zone 1-[3]Add CH-CH A-Lewis
In the end, please change mode from Mr to channel in radio setting then you will see ‘lewis’ channel you programming in band A, At this time, you can programme slots and color code
By steps above, you should know how to add Retevis RT84 channels by hand? If you have anything questions, please feel free to leave messages or write a email to us by email:
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