Walkie talkie as a instant and in time communication tool, it no need telephone fee, no need cellphone singal cover, easy use. Because of so many advantages, walkie talkie is widely used in many field. Like business, outdoor, emergency, domestic, toy, etc.. But not a few customer do not clear, how to choose walkie talkie?
How to choose walkie talkie? Below are some factors:
1.Your budget: if you need high end radio, that has real and strong encryption, you can choose digital radio. Because digital radio is higher in cost, but powerful functions and powful encryption. Relatively, analog radio has simple functions and cost normally lower than digital.
2.UHF band or VHF band
UHF band frequency is suitable to use in surroundings that has many barriers, like inside the city, inside the building or block, in a warehouse that has many metal shelves, etc.. Because UHF frequency has better penetration ability. VHF band freuency is suitable to use in surroudings that is relatively open, flat, less barriers, like on the sea, on the beach, in the farm, on the island, etc. So when choose a walkie talkie, you need know if you mostly need it work in a UHF surrounding, or a VHF surrounding. Or both possible, to choose a dual band radio.
3.You need know what using scenarios:
For business use: normally no display need, admistrators do not like employees to mess the distributed radios by operation the functions inside the menu on the display. Normally black color radio, with no display, just a turn on button, and a channel button is enough.
Such as RT81:
Amateur use: If you are amateur, sure, you must like radios with more functions, with display, with keyboard to “ play with”, a “simple” radio will not meet your needs.
Such as HD1:
For domestic use: you need simple and light weight radio is ok, no need many functions, no need displays.
License-free radio like RT22:
RT24 will be good choice:
Also if you are from USA, you can choose GMRS radio. One person take license, immediate family can use directly, GMRS is 5w, it can get a longer range than license free radio.
4.If you need water proof or non waterproof is ok?
Waterproof like RT49P:
Anyway, when you like us to recommend a walkie talkie, please tell us the requirement as more as possible, we can recommend the most suitable radios that meet, thank you.
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