NR630 is our new radio and it has noise reduction function. Today we teach you how to program Retevis two way radioNR630.
First, you need find the right software to the corresponding walkie-talkie model, each model has its own software. You can find NR630 software under its product page: You can download the software and driver here.
Second: find the right programming cable, each radio also need its special programming cable. You can order search and find on our website.
NR630 programming cable SKU is J9131P
Third: Install the driver and software on your windows computer. Then link the radio to your computer through the cable. Find the right COM port. Then open the software, read the radio :
Read from the radio, and after you edit, you need click write to the radio, so you can save the date.
Then you will have your own settings of the radios. This is how to program Retevis two way radio.
If you are first time to program Retevis two way radio, you may think it is difficult. After you learned it, you will see it is very easy.
All two way radios have the similar programming way. After you received the two way radios, they most can use directly out of the box. The basic rule is to keep them talk on same channel. But if you want to make your talk more safe, you need change the CTCSS/DCS to avoid hearing others talking on your channel. Then you need program the radios with your own frequency or CTCSS/DCS.
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