A customer use H777 for church security team and in the children school area(one channel for each group of people with a radio) the children area uses channel 2 and security uses channel 4, a couple leaders of the church would like to be able to monitor both channels, how to achieve it? Now we study how to set Retevis H777 scan function together
Prepare steps to programme
1.Please download and install H777 USB driver (USB Universal Driver) in RETEVIS official website https://www.retevis.com/resources-center/
2.You need a programming cable C9018A
3. Connect your H777 with you PC, using C9018A programming cable
Set frequency for children school area in Channel 2, this group we call A
TX freq=RX freq=461.23500
Scan add: Yes
Set frequency for church security team area in Channel 4, this group we call B
TX freq=RX freq=462.23500
Scan add: Yes
Set frequency for a couple leaders of the church in channel 1 and 2, this group we call C

At the same time, set sidekey one for monitor
How to open Retevis H777 scan function?
Turn on your radio,switch to channel 16 and turn off your radio.
Press the PTT key and the MONITOR key, at the same time turn on your radio, then you find the scan work
How to make Group C to scan group A and B to monitor?
Open all radios in Group A, B, C
Group C open scan function as this way((How to open Retevis H777 scan function), you will find Group C scan Group A and B soon, then press sidekey one to monitor
Do you know how to set Retevis H777 scan function? If you still have questions, please feel to contact us by email, vip@retevis.com
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