How to solve the HD1 Error Message Repeater Fail?

How to solve the HD1 Error Message Repeater Fail?

In Recently, we have received customer feedback about the HD1 Error Message Repeater Fail, he told us his HD1 GPS with latest firmware and cps, when he program a digital repeater in cps and hit the PTT, he get error message repeater fail.
Now we will give a solution,if you have the same program,pls try the following, Hope it is useful to you.

Please check your programming in software in both places like the picture as below:

1.In setting, please choose the “Rely Retransmission: 5 (or 6)” , so that it can try to connect multiple times.

2.Please make sure that the work mode is repeater.
work modle

After then, You can test  to connect with repeater.  If there are still problems, please send email to me:

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8人评论了“How to solve the HD1 Error Message Repeater Fail?”

  1. Rimmel Klaus Peter

    Toll 2.18 Firmware 1.64GPS
    Repeater Fail !
    Please send INFO
    Links are Down.

    1. hi, please check the below:
      1, In setting, please choose the “Rely Retransmission: 5 (or 6)” , so that it can try to connect multiple times.
      2, Please make sure that the work mode you choosed is the repeater mode.

  2. I cannot find “Rely Retransmission: 5 (or 6)“ in the settings, can you explain where it should be

  3. Hello! I received the radio with the firmware “v2.2.4_GPS”, I used the CPS “HD1(GPS) V3.02(New)” and the version “HD1(GPS) V2.24” to program the radio and still displaying the error message “TX Error Repeater Fail”
    Follow the settings in “Channel”:
    Work Mode: Repeater
    Slot: slot1
    ID Setting: radio-1
    Color Code: 9
    TX Authority: Color Code
    Kill Code: None
    WakeUp Code: None
    RX Frequency: 163.996250
    TX Frequency: 159.39625

    Settings in “Setting”
    “Basic Attributes”
    Repeater Connect: 6

    1. Hello, can you email us your order number and ordered platforms like Amazon, website, eBay, or AliExpress? And we will help you with this issue. Thanks.

  4. Dear Sirs,
    By the begging December 2023, I purchased a DMR radio BAOFENG DR-1801UV.
    I have programmed all the repeaters that surround my QTH area, around 3 or 4 kilometers within Montevideo city, URUGUAY, SOUTH AMERICA.
    All are configured in Slot 1 and CC 1, but only 2 repeaters work well as I PTT.
    The others, within the mentioned range, give a message “Connect Fail”.
    I have made all the changes available without arriving to any positive result; this error persists.
    I hope for some help of any ham colleague who can give me a Solution or a way to Solve this issue.
    Thank you all of you in Advance.
    ID 7480323

    1. Hi, Because I don’t know your radio setttings as well as the repeater information. So I can’t make sure all your setttings on your DMR radios are correct.
      As I know, if all these information are correct. Then there is no problem to connect with the repeater when you are within the range.


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