NOAA weather Alert radios is the most useful walkie talkies for Emergency/Preppers.
Retevis has some models with the NOAA weather license-free radio. Retevis RT16. It comes with 11 available weather band channels to alert you of severe weather updates.
Something about the NOAA
NOAA is short for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The Radios with the NOAA use a special receiver to tune into National Weather Service (NWS) broadcasts 24/7, issuing reports on all types of hazards, including natural disasters (avalanches, earthquakes), environmental disasters (oil spills and chemical releases) and public safety issues (such as 911 telephone outages, AMBER alerts or a terrorist attack).
So NOAA weather Alert radio will be a “Must Have” equipment when you’re outdoor for hiking, camping, for Emergency, for Preppers.
Why NOAA weather Alert Radio is so important?
No matter for Preppers, family or business outdoor, it is very important to own the NOAA weather Alert Radio. Getting the weather Alert during business, family hiking or camping, will help you to arrange your next plan. It can be life-saving, in the emergency case an earthquake or a hurricane.
Retevis RT16 has the NOAA weather Alert feature license-free radio, with the not expensive cost, you will get this important feature.
NOAA weather Alert Coverage
If you want to check if your region in the coverage or not, you can visit the website: to check. They not only offer the map for your check, but also provide a station listing by state, county coverage listing and transmitter search. You can type your city to get it.
NOAA will receive the coronavirus?
Some customers asked if the NOAA weather radio will receive the coronavirus. Because this is not the non-weather alerts, so I can’t sure if you can receive it by the NOAA weather Alert radio, but I can sure you will receive all the weather alert by our Retevis RT16.
Where to order the Retevis RT16 NOAA weather alert Radio?
There are two ways.
Buy it directly from our website, the order link:
Buy it from Amazon:
If any question, please feel free to contact us by email:
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