How to initialize Retevis Children radio?

Retevis children radio have RT31, RT32,RT33,RT35, RT36, RT388, RT602, RT628, different children radios, the initialized ways is different

Firstly, what situation we will initialize Retevis Children radio?

1.When original setting on radio is mistouched by mistake

2.When radios stop working for unknown reason.

3.When software in abnormal status for unknown reason

How to initialize Retevis Children radio?

Situation 1: when menu key and power key is different, and press the “Menu” key, at the same time, turn on the radio, it will be initialized

Children radio have RT31, RT32,RT36, RT388, RT602, RT628

Situation 2: when menu key and power key is same, then take out the battery, press PTT at the same time, put inside the battery, radio will be initialized

Children radio have RT33, RT35

Retevis kids radio

Adult radios need original default frequency file, If you have requirementment, please send by email to, always here for you

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