Part 1 is all about the operation and functions of the RB22 amateur radio, but this blog is all about the software. If you meet some trouble with the software, please leave them in the comments or email us.
Where can I download the software?
Generally, we can find the software, firmware, driver in one tab. However, many customers cannot find them on our website. Is it private? No, it is on the support tab.
After downloading, unpack and install to avoid failure to install or error messages. If your computer cannot recognize the radio, please install the driver and run it.
The programming cable is C9018A, so please add it to your order first. And according to one of our reviewers, said, ‘Using a cable with Prolific or CP210x chip is okay.’ So, if you have a Kenwood 2-Pin cable with the chip, you can also use it.
Then, change the COM port, and read. You can get the setting from your RB22.
How to adjust the functions and features?
The first part is the device info. You can check the factory number and serial number on it, and if you need help with your RB22, you can tell your sellers your serial number.
Next, the basic parameters, common menus, prompt tone, indicator parts are adjustable. You can change according to your need, however, if you do not have some preference, the faulty setting is the best for you. The buttons can be customized by your common-used functions. The P1 and P2 are on the lift side, the P3 key is the green button on the top of the radio. There are 18 functions that can be chosen.
The mic gain means you can talk if your radio is far away from your mouth. If you wear it on your chest or arm, people can easily hear you when you speak.
In the DMR service, you can see the GPS. The function is not on the radio if you do not contact us to create the function. It is not the standard function on the radio.
Zones and Contacts
So, the important part is how to add your contacts and build your Zones.
As we said before, there are 4000channels that can be used, and they are divided into 16 Zones, so, it means you can put 250 contacts in one Zone. However, if I only have 500 contacts, can I remove other Zones? Because they will appear on my radio when I program on it. Of course, you can choose the Zones which you’d like to use on your radio. And you can rename your Zone name so that you can find the contacts easily.
And you can set the private call, group call, and all call on the contacts tab. However, you can see there are another 4 choices in the list, no-address call, raw data, SP DATA, and define data. They are not important, but they are like a label to help you distinguish other contacts.
And you can even set your emergency group with different alarms, this way can help you distinguish the different alarms.
And the scan list can divide the scan channels into different groups.
If you have any further questions about the feature Settings, you can contact us at If you have a good experience with the RB22 amateur radio, please share your experience on the product page. You can also follow our social media platforms and discuss with other users.
Views: 36
Would be good to be able to download firmware for the RB22 , cannot find this anywhere?
Can anyone help with this ?