VHF (Very High Frequency) radios are a type of two-way communication device used for long-distance communication. They are commonly used for marine applications, such as communicating with vessels and shore stations. But not all VHF radios are designed for marine use, they are also used in other industries such as aviation, public safety, and amateur radio. Learn the difference between marine VHF radio for boat and other VHF radios.
Marine VHF vs Other VHF Radios
A marine VHF radio is different from other VHF radios used for land or air communications. Marine radios are specifically designed for communications on the waterways. They are installed on all large ships and most seagoing small craft, and with slightly different regulation on rivers and lakes.
Larger Coverage:
One of the most important advantages of Marine VHF radios is their range. Marine VHF radios are equipped with a larger antenna than other types of VHF radios, allowing them to transmit and receive signals over much greater distances. This is especially significant for vessels operating in open water, where the nearest land-based communication tower may be miles away. Marine VHF radios also have a higher power output than other types of VHF radios, allowing them to reach even further distances.
Unique Features:
Marine VHF radios offer several features that make them ideal for use on the water. They are designed to be waterproof and resistant to corrosion. Many marine radios, such Retevis RM01 and Retevis RM21, have NOAA weather alert channels that would not be available on land mobile VHF radios. High-end Marine VHF radios, such as Retevis RM40 and Retevis RA27 also have Digital Selective Calling (DSC), which allows users to transmit a distress call with just the push of a button.
There are many uses for marine radios including rescue services, communicating with harbors, locks, bridges, and marinas, and general ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communications. But please note that marine VHF radios, whether fixed or handheld, may not be used on land period. That’s illegal. And other VHF radios should not be used on the waterways as they will not have the proper frequency settings.
High-End Marine VHF Radio for Boat
Retevis RM40 features Built-in GPS, Built-in DSC, MOB Function, Dual/Tri-watch Functions, Weather Channel Receive and Favorite Channel Function. It is suitable for a little coastal fishing, longer cruising trips and navigating river systems both on smaller boats and bigger ones.

Specs & Features:
- Weight: 315g(with battery, antenna, and belt clip
- Dimensions: 141×61×43 mm
- Output power : 1W-5W
- Battery: 1500mAh li-ion
- Charger: Desktop charger
- Channel group: 88CH (USA/INT/CAN)
- Waterproof rating: IPX7
- Weather Alarm: NOAA,10CH
- Float & Alert: Both in the water
In conclusion, Marine VHF radios offer several advantages over other types of VHF radios. Their greater range and additional features make them the ideal choice for marine vessels operating in open water.
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