Here are the looks of the RT97, RT97P, and RT97S repeater. What are the differences?
They are 10W portable repeaters, and the weight is 2.6kg. But RT97 is an analogue repeater and RT97P is a digital repeater.
RT97S has a data port and an audio card to record and output the data. And it can connect to a mic to hear and talk to others.
Why is RT97S connected to Raspberry PI?
ALL3DP said, Raspberry PI has many advantages and is easy to implement and carry without heavy, stationary and expensive equipment. In recent years, as low-power service radio operations have become increasingly popular, many hams are keen to DIY simple and portable devices for emergency use, and Raspberry PI can often be seen. hams, for example, uses the Raspberry PI, RTL-SDR receiver, and a 3.2 PiTFT display screen to build the RTL-SDR scanner. And they can also DIY a Raspberry Pi repeater to extend the communication range.
And now, we have provided a portable repeater with Raspberry Pi. RT97S bundle with a microphone, a high-gain antenna, and a programming cable can be used directly.
When you receive the bundle, you can download the software from the RT97S page. Then, you can use the programming cable to connect your repeater to your computer. The stock GMRS repeater has 8 fixed frequency channels, but you can program the channels when you work on the UHF band, VHF band, or your customized frequencies.
You can plug the Microphone into your repeater. So that you can talk to others directly or hear the calls.
The MA02 FRP antenna works on the UHF and VHF frequency band and the max power is 200W. So, it can build on the roof to receive and transmit more calls.
You can charge the repeater on a wall socket, and you can also order a car charger to charge on a car or a power supplier. It can use in different applications.
World Amateur Radio Day is coming, and from 11 April, you can hear the broadcast about the theme Human Security for All. And to celebrate the day, RT97S is on sale. You can check our Flash Sale page for a discount price.
Are you interested in it? Click the link for more parameters.
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