
Retevis RT90 Dual Band DMR / Analogue mobile radio


The Retevis RT90 gives you the crystal clear, noise-free audio of over-the-air digital communications in your vehicle, full analog transceiver capabilities. It provides dual band support, operating on both 400-480MHz UHF frequencies and 136-174MHz VHF at up to 50 watts VHF and 45 watts UHF, using Time-Division Multiple-Access (TDMA) digital technology. This digital mobile radio is also compatible with Motorola TRBO and DMR Tier II.

Since RT90 begin sale on October 2017 receives many good feedback from our customers. Here we get a good review from James Preece.

I have found RT90 Mobile radio very easy to program, the USB cable / com port is detected in the software automatically.
The code plug is available from your local radio dealer and is compatible with the hand held model
Once programmed up using the radio is simple, select the zone (repeater) which is close to you, using the tuning knob on the right side select the talk group. Use the microphone as usual.
Having the 45 Watts really helps over the hand held and signal reports and access to distant DMR and analogue repeaters was an added bonus.

1. Powering on and off with Custom screen

You switch on and off the radio using the Green power button and pressing for a few seconds.
You can customise the screen welcome text in the programming software

2. Showing the Channel selection on DMR and Analogue

Tuning the talk group is simple using the knob on the right side of the radio, you could also use the arrow buttons on the microphone (when mobile this is useful)
To switch into analogue, press the band / esc key, you will have needed to program in analogue repeaters in the same zone to make this work.

3. Contacts, so many contacts available for use. See a callsign and a name (not just an ID number)

The RT90 has a lot of memory space, this allows you to store a lot of contact details, you can get the list off the Internet and this converts the DMR ID number to a name and Call sign.
A note that the display is bright and stay’s lit for about 30 seconds, the microphone also lights up which is useful.

4. Changing zone (Repeater)

Changing location, will probably mean you will need to change to a different repeater, or changing different repeater types (analogue, phoenix / Brandmaster) this is easily achieved by using the menu zone option. Zones have an A and B side, A is for digital and B can be used for analogue.


5. Sending a text message

You have the ability to send and receive text messages on the radio as well, luckily the microphone have an alpha numeric keypad which makes it easy to do.

6. Programming from the menu / microphone

Instead of having to remove the radio from your car and using the programming cable, which as we know can be a pain, there is the added functionality to program a new zone (repeater) frequency, colour code, time slot(s) and everything you need plus store it in memory. Both for DMR and analogue.

7. Quick QSO on DMR with David MI6DVM

Here is a quick demonstration of a conversation with David MI6DVM, showing the quality of the digital audio. Its very clear and his report back suggest we are also sounding good to him.

8.Recorded QSO demo

Given the huge amount of memory in this radio, it has the ability to record both sides of the qso.
You can set this to on by pressing the small red button and off again.
The logs / record is where you can play back the files. It seems to record in and out as separate files.


RT90 not only sell on our official website www.retevis.com, but also sell on Retevis Ebay Store.

Ship from UK Warehouse:https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/253219131182

Ship from Germany Warehouse:https://www.ebay.de/itm/182858354919

For any other questions, please contact us via email: info@ailunce.com, hams@ailunce.com.

also can follow our facebook page:https://business.facebook.com/ailunce.

Views: 44

4人评论了“Retevis RT90 Dual Band DMR / Analogue mobile radio”

  1. valdir alexandre maia arbex

    gostei do modelo, é novo fico em duvida sobre a qualidade, mas vi que foram vendidas bastantes unidades, este equipamento faz banda cruzada, função repetidora

  2. I am waiting for my retevis rt 90. want to find the best cod plug the radio. I am 79 and when I get a mistake in the setting up , it can get expensive. I live in a valley and 150 miles from a repeater. any suggestions?


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