Inviting you to test the RT23 Chirp Programming

Lots of friends ask us when Chirp can support RT23. At first very thanks Chirp team,especially Jim KC9HI. Jim has attached a beta driver module for the Retevis RT23. But it need to be tested first. Everyone can test and report any issues there. Please give it a try and report back your findings.

Click the link to fine the RT23 driver.

To use RT23 module, save it to where you save your CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) files or some other convenient location. Then enable “Enable Developer Function” in the Help menu. This add a “Load Module” selection in the File menu. Use the Load Module selection to load this beta driver module.

If you are not clear, refer to the following steps:

1.Download the file.

2.Open the Chirp, Then enable “Enable Developer Function” in the Help menu. This add a “Load Module” selection in the File menu. Use the Load Module selection to load this beta driver module.

3. After that, you can connect your radio with pc,choose Retevis RT23. Download from radio and start programming your RT23


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