RT97 mini repeater range test

RT97 analog repeater is portable size, economical cost, but powerful in increasing the communication range. Many customers has chosen it to use for factories, camp, farm, company, etc.. The other customer may be curious what’s this mini repeater range will be, after using this analog repeater?

To answer this question, Retevis arranged a test.

What shall we do before range testing?

Step1: Antenna Installation

A good performance antenna is so important for any repeaters. We choosed 3.2meter fiberglass fiber antenna, and 4 meter long fiberglass antenna as comparison.

Connecting the antenna to RT97 connector, using the feeder cable.

Fixing the antenna on the top of the buidling. Sure, the taller the buidling, the longer the communication range will be.

When you install, trying best to install the antenna to a toppest position you can.

Step 2:

RT97 repeater and testing walkie talkies setting.

RT97 repeater settings:

RX frequency:406.7875Mhz
TX frequency:416.7875Mhz
CRCSS/DCS for both RX and TX:107.20

Walkie talkies 4 models: We choose 4 different walkie talkies with 4 different powers, so that we can see clearly how the power will effect on the communication range.

H777, RT21: transmiting power 2-3W

RT5R: transmitting power 5W

RT29: transmitting power 10W

CRCSS/DCS for both RX and TX:107.20

All 4 models walkie talkie settings:

RX frequency:416.7875Mhz
TX frequency:406.7875Mhz
CRCSS/DCS for both RX and TX:107.20

Step 3: Talk 4 models walkie talkies outdoor, to test in Shenzhen City
Make RT97 analog repeater position as the CENTER testing point.

Testing Results as below:

We can see: 2W radio communication range is around 8km with 3.2m fiberglass antenna, but 10km with 4m fiber glass antenna
10W radio communication range is around 12kmwith 3.2m fiberglass antenna, but 18km with 4m fiber glass antenna.


The better the antenna, the higher the antenna installation position, the bigger the radio power, the longer the range.

Key point:

Sure, please remember the key point that, communication range also mostly decided by the communication surrounding and terrains. More barreris, shorter range, Less barriers, longer range.

In addition:

This testing result is only for testing inside shenzhen city, and with these Retevis radios. For your testing in your required environment, the testing result will also be desided by corresponding testing surroudings.

Any other questions about RT97 analog repeater, or if you are interested in RT97 repeater, please feel free to leave message here, or email to kam@retevis.com. Thanks!

Views: 18


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