RT97 troubleshooting

RT97 portable repeater trouble shooting

Retevis RT97, as a new developed analog repeater, with customers operated it and feedback to us, reviewer made field test, Retevis made field test, RT97 RT97 portable repeater performance never let us down. But because of operation misplay, you may meet some troubles, that we will support here.

In this article, we will collect several RT97 portable repeater misplay troubleshooting guides:

No. 1: LCD display no light, repeater can not power on

Please check the power cord connection with repeater, and adapter make sure all connections are in good status

No.2: walkie talkie do not have receiving signal, can not communicate with this Retevis RT97 portable repeater

Please double check the radio settings are correctly.

Radios RX frequency= Repeater TX frequency
Radio TX frequency= Repeater RX frequency

We mostly set all CTCSS/DCS, for repeater and for walkie talkie to be SAME.

No.3: Both Retevis RT97 portable repeater, and walkie talkies setting correct, still no receiving signal

A.Please check if antenna or feeder cable is broken
B.If communication range has exceed repeater effect tranmitting range

No.4: Communication signal is muffled, even if the range is not too far

A.Please check if the antenna or feeder cable is damaged
B.Please make sure your are putting up the antenna in a high position. Such as on the top of the 10, or 20 storey building. Please don’t install antenna inside the building. Or signal will be shield very much.
C.Please use long antenna, as long as possible. When setting us on top of the building, it’s better it’s 2-3 meters upper the top building wall, you can use a bracket to erect it.

Using a good antenna and erect antenna on the highest point you can find, are two key points that effect the range. Retevis has MA02 FRP antenna, that is suitble for RT97, you can also consider it.

With all the above informations setted correctly, choose a high performance antenna and erect antenna on the highest point, RT97 repeater will make a amazing performance. Any other questions you meet, we can discuss at any time. kam@retevis.com

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