How can I find the most accurate noaa frequencies channel on my radio?

Do you concern about what is NOAA, the noaa frequencies, range, and how can I receive the noaa channel in Canada? If you want to know more about the noaa weather channel, please read and follow us.


What is NOAA?

Noaa is an all-in-one weather information and emergency alert broadcaster. It broadcasts weather, natural disasters, technological disasters, and missing children 24 hours a day. Noaa covers nearly 90% of the 50 states in the United States.

Can I hear the NOAA channels in Canada?

The Canadian Weatheradio broadcasts work on the same frequency band as the US, so the NOAA broadcast reception on your walkie-talkie will still work.

What are the NOAA frequencies?

  • 162.400 MHz
  • 162.425 MHz
  • 162.450 MHz
  • 162.475 MHz
  • 162.500 MHz
  • 162.525 MHz
  • 162.550 MHz

These 7 frequencies are the main used NOAA channels, and you can also check the local noaa frequencies on the NOAA weather website. And if you want to receive marine weather information, you can also follow the frequencies,

  • 162.550 MHz
  • 162.400 MHz
  • 162.475 MHz
  • 162.425 MHz
  • 162.450 MHz
  • 162.500 MHz
  • 162.525 MHz

How to choose a radio with the NOAA weather channel function?

RB19P is a high-power GMRS radio. There are 11 NOAA frequencies that can be received.

  • WX1 162.550MHz
  • WX2 162.400MHz
  • WX3 162.475MHz
  • WX4 162.425MHz
  • WX5 162.450MHz
  • WX6 162.500MHz
  • WX7 162.525MHz
  • WX8 162.650MHz
  • WX9 162.775MHz
  • WX10 162.750MHz
  • WX11 162.000MHz

RB28 is a license-free radio, and the FRS version has 11 NOAA channels. How to activate the NOAA weather channel on RB28.

RT45P is also a license-free radio, and it is an IP67 waterproof and dustproof radio with not only noaa weather channels but also the weather alert function. It will alert when the radio receives the emergency alert from the NOAA broadcast.

If you need more radio choices with the NOAA frequencies, you can also visit our NOAA radio page for more information.


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