Since the thick ice covering on lakes has dissipated on April and May, so the June is a great season for outdoor pursuits. If you’re a kayak lover, you can not miss the following coming kayak festivals. Read on!
Paddling Events In June

June 2rd-June 5th: Animas River Days, Durango;
June 3th-June 5th: Yampa River Festival, Steamboat Springs;
June 4th-June 5th: Salmon la Sac Slalom and DR Races; Cle Elum River, Roslyn, WA;
June 7th-June 12th: GoPro Mountain Games; Vail;
June 12th: Sunshine State Games Canoe & Kayak Marathon; Middleburg, FL;
June 13th-June 17th: Madawaska Canoe Centre Week of Rivers; Ontario & Quebec;
June 16th-June 19th: FiBARK Festival; Salida;
June 20th: Race the Red Canoe & Kayak Races; Fargo, ND;
June 22rd-June 25th: Yukon River Quest; Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada;
June 25th: Ridgway River Festival; Ridgway.

Make sure that your kayaks and gears are prepared for the above coming kayaking season. Kayaking during this season does come with the potential for getting caught in a rainstorm. To avoid incoming inclement weather, you need some extra safety precautions. Waterproof walkie talkie with NOAA weather alert functions such as RT49P will be a great helper. 11 NOAA weather channels will automatically scan to notify the latest weather updates and alarm a risk of severe weather. If you drop it into water by accident, RT49P will be floating up to the surface with lamplight turning on. Easy for you to spot and retrieve them back. If you want to stay connected to shore while racing, then waterproof walkie talkies for kayaking like RT49P will definetly be the good choice.

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