Retevis RT3S-menu issue solution

What if the menu list for RT3S disappears?

I received the issue on Retevis Facebook message, the customer said he can only use 3 functions on his RT3S, and he wants to find the call log function on his radio. And he has chosen the ‘Program Radio’ in the software, and he tried many things to replace the issue but failed. Then, he sent his codeplug to us. So, how to set the menu list for RT3S?

How to save your radio’s codeplug? And what is the codeplug?

Codeplug is a storage of the setting and programmable parameters on your radio. So, if you need helps with setup and parameters, you can send it to your radio sellers. You can find the profile in the software, and save/save as on your computer. The file is your codeplug, and you cannot open it in a word, but it can be updated to radio software. Like this:

RT3S codeplug save

Generally, if you can not program on your RT3S, what should we do?

Look at the screenshot of the software, the third list is ‘Menu Item’, you can set up your menu in the list. Like this:


So, if you want to program on your RT3S, you can choose ‘Program Radio’ on the ‘Menu Item’ tab. And you can also choose what you need on your radio. Then you can program them on your RT3S.

Or, if you don’t know how to fix it, you can reset your radio, the process can be found at HOW TO SET RT3S FACTORY DEFAULT?

What is the problem in this case?

However, this way cannot help the customer to deal with his question. So, the next is to check his codeplug and find where is wrong. Let’s check it together. I open his codeplug in the software. And the screenshot has shown the wrong item, can you find it?

RT3S customer's codeplug

Okay, first, he has chosen the Program Radio and Call Log functions. So, there is no problem with it. And only one channel on it, is it fine? Yes, no problem. How about the Zone? Yes, something wrong is here.

The zone is a channel cluster, there are many channels in one Zone. For example, you want to use RT3S both in family and business. So, you have to divide your families and your workmates. Then you can set Zone 1 to collect your families’ channels, and Zone 2 for your workmates. Besides, you can also rename the Zones to find quickly.

However, the customer set a channel in the Zone list, so the radio went wrong, and he cannot do anything on his RT3S. So, I deleted the channel and added a new zone, and added the channel into the zone, and wrote them to the radio, I can find all the settings in the menu list. Or you can add more channels to the channel information list.

Finally, things have come to a close. He can use his RT3S, and it is a new issue for digital radio users. If you meet the same or similar problem, hope the blog can help you do better.

Additionally, if you have some questions about your Retevis radios, you can leave them in the comments below, or email us, or leave your message on our Facebook or Instagram. We will reply to you within 2 business days.


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3人评论了“What if the menu list for RT3S disappears?”

  1. Herren vöge Sven Rüdiger Brüsseler St11
    28259 Bremen Huchting Frau ute Hacker RETEVIS RT3 S1 braucht neues funkgerät ihr ewig RTS 3 mit Tastatur warmind defekt ist sind nicht mehr das kostenlos zu an meiner Anschrift die Adresse steht damit bei ich warte auf das neue funkgeräte und ich brauche einen Termin für den Techniker für funkgerät einstellen damit Tastatur weil ich das mit dem Kollegen nicht gucken kann und mit der Firma von pond Security sicherheitsdienst in Ehren Inlay

  2. Hello, I have two retevis rt3s radios and the time in the lower right corner of the display changes after a few days to a different time sometimes it also happens with the date. Is there a solution? Thanks


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