RB25 Single Call

How to set Retevis RB25 Private call

Many customers are interested in Retevis RB25, because it’s a very economical high power digital radio.

Some customers asked us how to set RB25 private call, today, we will learn together the steps.

First we may ask, what is private call?

In wireless communication, private call is like cellphone communication. You dial your partner’s phone no., and you both can communicate. This is a “private” communication way.

Please check RB25 Private call setting steps below:

Step 1: USB driver and software install

1/ please download and install RB25 usb driver, then download and install RB25 programming software in link below:


After usb driver install, please check inside “device manager” on your PC, make sure there’s port shown, that mean USB driver installed successfully.

2.  In radio A:
Click Settings–> Choose Comm Port–> Click ok

RB25 sofware 1

3.click ” read from radio” inside Program column.

RB25 software 2
4.Edit your Radio ID. Here is Local Id inside function Setup: Such as 1234

radio id
5. Edit RX frequency, TX frequency, Choose Channel Type to be Digital Ch.
6. Click More: then choose Call Type to be:Single Call.

single call
4.Then in radio B, set Local ID to be 5675( just an example)

5.Make all settings for radio B, same as radio A, just under the single call colume, write radio A local ID 1234.
This way, press PTT in the private channel, radio A and radio B can do private call. Any interesting for RB25, please feel free to email to elsa@retevis.com.


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