RT45P and RT49P are all license-free waterproof outdoor walkie-talkies. These two models are all waterproof walkie-talkies, very easy to use. No matter go outdoor for hiking, diving or kayaking, and other watersports activities, these two models are all the perfect choices.
So what is the difference between RT45P and RT49P?
1, Appearance
Retevis RT45P comes with the black and orange color, but RT49P designs with the grass green color.
2, Functions
RetevisRT45P is the update of model RT45. It is a waterproof walkie-talkie, with the ip67 rating, this function is the same as the model RT49P.
But Retevis RT49P is the floating two-way radio. when you drop the RT49P into the water, it will float on the river and will activate the flashlight.
An important function for RT45P is the Whistle Belt Clip function. It not only has the belt clip but also the belt clip can be used as a whistle. When in case of an emergency, remove the belt clip and use it as a whistle.
Another function for RT45P is the Room monitor, you can use it as the room monitor.
what is the similarity between the RT45P and RT49P?
1, All the license-free two-way radios
Retevis RT45P and RT49P are all license-free walkie-talkies. With the FRS band and PMR446 band.
2, Are all the IP67 waterproof two-way radios
Yes, if you are looking for IP67 waterproof radios for your family or team outdoor, you can consider these two models.
3, FRS band all with the NOAA weather channel function.
RT45P and RT49P as the FRS band all have 11 NOAA weather channels. NOAA weather function keeps updated the real-time weather conditions by activate the NOAA function and select the right channel.
6, Built-in Flashlight
Two models are Built-in Flashlights, easy to light your way during night activities like Hunting or Fishing. In case of unexpected emergencies
Above is the comparison of two waterproof outdoor walkie-talkies RT45P and RT49P. If you have any questions, please leave a message below.
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