How to make FRS RT45 communicate RT83 DMR radio

RT45 communicate RT83 DMR radio, RT45 is a analog radio, RT83 is a digital radio. How to make a analog radio to communicate with DMR radio?

Firstly, please download USB driver and RT45 and RT83 programming software

Here’s download address:

RT45 FRS default frequency as below:

RT45 communicate RT83 DMR radio

How to write RT83 digital radio

In zone 2, all channels are analog channels, programme RT83 frequency in analog mode following:

Tx=Rx frequency=462.56250  ctcss/dcs= 67.0

RT45 communicate RT83 DMR radio

After done, please write RT83 radio to keep the frequency you just programmed

Secondly, How to make RT45 FRS communicate RT83 radio

Taking one frs RT45, change channel to one. As for RT83, please find this channel one in zone. Then try to make RT45 communicate RT83. if they can communicate each other that indicate the programming is success, if not, please double check your programming steps

Do you know how to make analog radio communicate RT45 Frs radio,there’s a article for you refernce:  How RT24 walkie talkie communicate with RT45:

If you still have some questions about how to make RT45 FRS communicate RT83 radio, please directly contact us by email,, we will offer programming support

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