Ailunce HD1 function one key call

HD1, the amateur radio, with a lot of features, here I will talk about the One key call function.

One key call

When you set this, you can talk with the group or friend you settled by press side-key. Not like pressing PTT all the time, you just only press one time you can talk with your friend.

How to set?

Here I will set 2 group calls and one private call as the example:

2 Group calls: Retevis call ID 2345, Ailunce call ID 1234

1 private call: BH6PJL call ID 4606001



Set the channels, make sure you can communicate with another radios. For example as the picture, channel 1 and channel 2.


Set one key call setting and key setting:


Then HD1 is done. Then we set another radio RT82, to set the 2 channels that same with the HD1, make sure they can communicate.

Test: We setted the group call Ailunce with the side key1 with short press.

When I press the side-key 1 once time on HD1, the rt82 will receive the signal. More please check this video:


If any question, please feel free to leave a message here or contact me:




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2人评论了“Ailunce HD1 function one key call”

  1. hi,
    i want then i press side-key 1 – start transmit on band A, then i press side-key 2 – start transmit on band B.
    and for it will be working on key locked mode.
    How ca do this? can you add this to next firmware release?


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