How to programme H777?
Retevis H777 is classic model, very high performance price ratio, makes it very hot sellings for years. We have not a few customers order this model consistently for big quantity. In Retevis overseas warehouse, this model is always prepared with enough stock, so it’s easy for shipping.
Now let’s go to business, do you know how to programme H777 when you get a new radio at hand?
Same Retevis radio model no. is with same default settings.
For new H777, just switch the new radios in same channel, they can communicate directly.
Programme H777 when you need make some changes:
Step:1 Please download and install H777 USB driver (USB Universal Driver) in RETEVIS official website
Step 2: You need a programming cable C9018A
Step 3: Connect your H777 with you PC, using progrogramming cable
Step 4: Turn on the radio H777.
Step 5: Now we come to H777 software interface
Step 6: Choose the correct communication port
(check in computer-device manager)
Step 7: Click” Read from Radio” in “Program” Column
Step 8: Write the date, such as “RX frequency”, “TX frequency” CTC/DCS DEC and CTC/DCS ENC in to the channels
For example:
RX frequency:462.2375
TX frequency 462.2375
Finally Step 9:Click “Write to Radio”. Then all datas will be save to radio.
Need know more about H777? Please feel feel to write to us, thanks!
Views: 369
I am having an issue programming my H-777 to talk to my RCA XR150 radios. The information provided on the RCA radios have CTCSS at 67.0 and the CDCSS at 023, but the H-777 software will not accept the CDCSS at 023. Any ideas on what could cause the issue?
I am attempting to update the configuration on my H777 but keep getting the “wrong password” error. I tried on Windows 10 and Windows XP, fresh system, fresh install, fully updated. Using the “Universal USB” driver and H777 Retivis programming software. I have tried 0000000 5000000 and 9999999 as well as blank passwords. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Thanks and kind regards,
hi, usually if you set the password, it will ask for it!
You can try 43584450 to have a try please
Hi Daniel,
Try BF666S
Thanks Sean! The password “BF666S” worked for me!
The current version is flawed in some way that causes all communication between the software and radio to fail. I uninstalled it and reinstalled the older version and was able to program my radios using my saved file. Also, why was the saved file changed to .xml instead of a .dat file? I will not be using the new software due to this issue.
Hi, may I know your radio model? H777?
We have updated the H777 software, now the new one saved file is .xml
If you still want the old software, we will send you one by email, then you can write your file to your radio, then use the new software to get from your radio, then save it as the new file with .xml
Let me know if you need or not! My email:
best regards
hi, im with the same problem
What is the 6 digit password for H777 software? It’s not allowing me to read the radio and make any changes. There is a 6 digit password requires.
Hi, you can try this password: BF666S
I have a set of H777 radios. Unfortunately, Chirp will not communicate with the radios. Where can I download the H777 Programming Software? I do not see it on your page.
Hi, you can download here:
when I try to program my H-777s I see it tries handshake, then I get a failure! message. Any suggestions?
Hi I’m having trouble with my radio it’s a model: H777S .. everytime we plug in the headset it doesn’t work, but when we unplug it, it works
hello! you can check the headset is matchable or not, and check the headset plugin fully, or change other headset and have a try. if they do not work, it should be the product problem! You can contact us through our Facebook and
hello. I can get the program for the H-777 to read the device but it fails on the write to device. Fails after the handshake. please advise. Thank you!
Hell! Did it show some information? And the programming cable is the right one?
yes and yes it can pull data from the unit but not write to the unit
yes it did show the info. yes the programming cable is correct. it worked with my last batch of radios. I noticed that the file is now a different extention file is that the issue? Let me know as I need to get these programmed to talk to my other radios.
Thank you!
Hello! could you please tell me your e-mail? we will send you a setup to write the frequency!
We have the same exact situation, we can read from the radios but failure on the handshake to write. I don’t know what other software you have other than the latest H-777 programming software but we could sure use it. We have frequency changes to make ASAP. Thanks.
Hello!Are you radio a new version of the old version? IF the old version, I will send you software for old version!
can you email me please the write frequency?
Hi, dear, you mean the software or USB driver or both?
I tried the password still can not make any changes.
Hello! could you please tell us more details? thank you very much!
I am working to turn the alarms on for all of our radios but every time I click write to device, it claims the action has failed. Any advice?
Hello! can you tell us your e-mail? and we can send a version you can write the data!
Hi James, I have the same problem. It can read but not write. Must be an old version of H-777 as I bought them over 5 years ago. Can you please email me the software as well? Email is:
Good day.
I can’t reprogram my H777 radio with your new software. I can read the current frequencies ,but can’t change any.I’m not sure if it’s old or new radio, but just for reference:
Model H777
Output power 5W
Frequency: 400-470 Mhz
Voltage DC3.7V
S/N 1811R7771120847
Please help with solution.
Thanks in advance.
Hello! I have sent you a file of h777. Please have a try!
hi i have a problem with the new software version to program my h777 radio.
I can read but not write on the radio it tells me failed, will it be for the new version ..?
Hello!we have sent an old version to your e-mail!Please have a try and have a nice day!
I am having the same issue. Will you please send me the old version too?
Hello! I have sent you an e-mail! please have a try!
I am also having issues with the H777 Reading but not Writing to the radio. Can I have the old version of the software?
Greetings, I need the old version for a H777
SN 1705R7771172156 please. THank you.
Hi I am having the same issue. I deleted the old software when I saw there was a update and now can not change the frequencys with the new software like before. Could you please send me the old software as it worked well. Thanks.
Have had my H-777 radios for 6 years. I am needing to change the frequencies on them but the new software will not allow it. Can you please provide me with the old software that allowed those changes. Thank you
Hello! We have sent you an e-mail of it! Please have a try and have a nice day!
I can read the data out of the radio, but I can’t change the frequencies – the field just will not let me type anything in. Any ideas? Can you email me the old version of the software? Some people indicate that the old version works.
HELLO! we have sent you an e-mail, please have a try!
Thank you – I did receive the new file you sent me, but it was the same version as on the website, 1.0.2, and it has two problems: I can’t change any of the frequencies and I can’t write to the radio, it just gives an error of “Failure”. Do you have an older version of the software you can send? Other say that the old version works better. Thank you!
Hello! how about the new one?
I’m having this same issue.
This software clearly does not work and I don’t understand why you keep telling people to do the same thing over and over again. Please send me the software that actually works to write to these radios, I purchased another set of 20 and need to program the old ones to match the new ones.
Can you send me the older version without the password option? Can’t get past the password fail…I have older radios…3 or 4 yrs old
hello! please try password BF666S, please have a try and have a nice day!
Find BF-888S_v1.05.exe
When I try to program my H-777 I see it tries handshake, then I get a failure! message. Any suggestions?
Hi, dear, very sorry for the delay! could you please share us a video of your problem at many thanks and have a nice day!
I need the old software link. The “new” software does not allow any changes and passwords only work half of the time.
Hi, dear, we have sent you a file by transfer
I am having the same issue. I can read from it no problem, but cannot write to it.
Also, the Rx and Tx fields are not editable.
Can you please send me the older version? The version I am using is 1.02 Built on 2020
Thank you!
hi, dear, we send you a file or old h777 version, please have a try and have a nice day!
thank you very much for helping! have a nice day!
Please send me the old version. Thanks!
1) Kindly send me link to old version of software. I can only read my radio with new software. Cannot write to radio.
2) Please explain how to get low power setting to work. Regardless of setting high or low Tx power, my H-777 radios only transmit in high power around 4 Watt.
Hi, dear, very sorry for the delay! we sent you the old version of H777, please have a try and have a nice day!
Hi please email
With the old version of the software? We can not “read” it asks for password I tried the suggestions above still “failure”
Thank you
Did they send you the old software we are having same problem trying to match our old batch of radios
I’m having the same problem getting the “failure message”. Please send me the magic link to the software that actually works.
I have an H-777 that’s apparently lost its mind….
Channel 1 stopped working, now it just has a constant tone when the selector is set to 1. And the voice prompts when changing channels is now just a beep, its not talking any more.
Hi, dear, can we know when you bought it? the old one or new one?
Hello James,
Thank you for replying.
Its the older unit, the newest software will read the radio but not allow it to be written to.
Hi, dear, I send you an old version of software of H777, please have a try with your old h777
I originally tried this version: 1.0.2 2020 built on 2020.
It will read the radio but fails when trying to write data to the radio.
You just sent me this version: 1.1 dated 5/29/2018
When I try to read the radio, it gets to 20% then crashes the program
Here’s the serial number of the radio if it helps: 16H7770193257
Any ideas what going wrong ?
Thanks !
Hello! Can I know when you bought it?
Can you please send me the old version of the H777 software?
Yes, copy that! I have sent you, please have a try.
Hi, I’m having the same issue as a lot of people on here where I can’t edit anything after reading the data. The radio is years old. Could we possibly get the download for the older software please? Thank you!
Hi, I seem to be having the same problem as a lot of people here who can’t edit the fields after reading the data. Could I please get the older software? Thank you!
Hi, dear, sorry for the delay! I will send you the old version, please have a try and have a nice day!
Hi James can you send ne the old version as well?
Hello! I have sent to your e-mail, please have a check in your e-mail. stay safe and have a nice day!
i need old software too
Hello! I have sent to your e-mail, please have a check in your e-mail. stay safe and have a nice day!
We’re having the same problems listed above. May we request a copy of the old version too to see if that solves our problems?
Hello! I have sent to your e-mail, please have a check in your e-mail. stay safe and have a nice day!
So I just bought H777S Radio’s to ride with my boy.
I wanted to use the VOX feature on my radio’s. I ordered a programming cable and I get handshake error’s.
COMM port is fine and everything is working but when I try to read device I get handshake error’s..
Can I please be sent the old version of the software?
thank you
hello, I would like the old software for my new H777. the newer software isn’t working and wont communicate with the radio.
Hi, dear Mr.Noah, I have sent you a file of old version H777 for you by wetransfer.
hello james i also need the old file thanks
i have the program RETEVIS H-777 but when I try to change the Rx – Tx they are grayed out and will not let me change them. can you help with this?
Hi, dear, very sorry for the delay! Can we know where you bought them and your order id? Thank you so much and have a nice day!
Hello, I have a fleet of a lot of H777 devices. ANd I have just bought 20 H777plus devices and it can’t communicate with the “old” H777 devices. I have bought a programming cable so can you please give me a step by step process to setup the new H777plus and make it possible to communicate with the old H777 versions? I tried to copy/paste the frequency and CTCSS/DCS but doesn’t work …. Please help, I spent a lot of money in this
Hi, dear, very sorry for the delay. Can we know where you bought them and your order id? Thank you so much and have a nice day!
I’m having the same problems as listed above. Could you send me the old software! Thanks!
Hi,may I know what’s your problem?
I’m attempting to program the older model of the Retevis H777 and each time I attempt to read or write to the device all I get is an invalid handshake. I’ve tried the above passwords nothing worked. I also tried reinstalling the drivers and software still no dice.
could you please tell me your Order ID and which platform you ordered? then the corresponding sales will contact with you by email.
Hi yes, every time I go to attempt to program the radio I get a failed handshake message. I’ve tried reinstalling the software, drivers, etc. I have also tried the passwords listed above. Nothing seems to work. Sorry the response took so long I didn’t realize it but I must not have hit the submit button.
could you please tell me your Order ID and which platform you ordered? then the corresponding sales will contact with you by email.
could you please tell me your Order ID and which platform you ordered? then the corresponding sales will contact with you by email.
I have the same issue with writing and error passwords.
Pls send me old program
I’m getting a failure on the handshake as well. I have tried both the new style and old style radios with the same result. Will the old software version correct this?
Any help would be appreciated here …
hi, may i know what’s your question?
I have the same issue with writing and error passwords.
Pls send me old program
hi, please contact with your seller to get the old program. thanks for understanding!
J’ai acheté 2 lots de talkie H777 a 2 ans d’intervalle
Sans le codage CTSSS/DCS :pas de probleme
en programmant le meme codage sur les 2
Plus de communication entre eux
Merci de me dire d’ou vient le problème
Here we suggest you to check the CTCSS/DCS codes of two radios. If possible, you can program them to get the settings.
The old style and new style have matching frequencies on channel 6 and 7 ONLY!!!
hi, if you have the old and new version H777, here we suggest you order the programming cable to program them, make all the settings same, then they can talk.
Or you can offer your Order ID and Which platform you ordered? the corresponding sales will contact with you.
I have reprogrammed my new H777 units to match the frequency of the old H777 units. The lights turn green to indicate it is receiving a signal, however I cannot get any audio to go through.
I can successfully reprogram older model to older model, and newer model to newer model, but cannot get the old and new to talk succinctly, even though the software reads them on the exact same channels and setting.
Using correct cable and software version H-777 1.1 (2018)
I am getting the password error code during the handshake prompt. It seems using the old software may fix the password issue? Can I get the file?
sent by wetransfer, please check
Hi, my h777 can’t connect with the software. It’s an old version. What can I do? Every time I read it a “failure message appears
hi, would you please offer your radio ID and which platform you ordered?
I cannot write to the new H777 you just sent me as a replacement for a broken one. During the handshake I get a failure. I tried using the password BF666S and it does not work. Please assist me.
i have H-777 and RT24 retevis talkie.
Befotre i change the frequencey, i can communicate with the talkies.
I change frequency this month on the rt24 . When i want change frenquencey to H-777, i have error message.
I can read but not write frequency.
The version of software is 1.1 from 2018.
I accept oldest version if it can help me.
tanks a lot and have a nice day.
Hi I am trying to program my new walkie to the old walkie software and it saying I need a password and I don’t have it
Hello. I have purchased a couple of H777S that I need to communicate with existing H777. I downloaded the software for the H777s. It wont connect at all.
Bought off amazon, tried connecting, but when I click start for handshake it says failure!
can’t seem to get past this step after getting usb cable to be recognized.
Downloaded software (not easy to find) and the fields to change the tx and rx frequency are “greyed out” and cannot be manipulated. It looks like there is an older version of software. Is this true? What should I do?
I am having a similar problem. I’ve purchase several dozen of these radios over the last three years but can’t current version of the SW to write to any of them. I downloaded latest version from Retevis site. Once the proper COM port is set and I use the BF666S password I can read from the device. SW lets me alter settings but it won’t write to the device. Are the specific settings or a different version of the SW required to write to older versions of H777 handset?
Same problem as everybody here.
I have a couple of old H777, I can read them but I cannot edit the frequencies, cannot change the TX Power and cannot write
All this is grey in the software
Could I have please this secret old software? Thanks
I am using the newer software. I can’t seem to write. Can I get the older version?
I need the old Software. email
Did they send you the old software we are having same problem trying to match our old batch of radios
I recently purchased a new set of radios and am trying to program them to match the old ones. I downloaded the latest software that I could find 1.0.2. I can read the configuration from old and new radios but can’t write to either. Please send me the older software that is able to write.
Please contact with your seller to get the software
Hi, I could not find the software (Programming Driver from the website. Kindly help me with the software link. Thank you
hello, I have kept a friend’s H777 and I want to configure it to be able to talk to the rt21/22, I need an old software that can modify the frequencies,
thanks in advance
USB-Driver find here ->
Programm find here “google for BF-888S_v1.05.exe” or directly
Booth together works great for me with the new H777plus and the old one H777 from retevis with this dongle
I am in need of the old software for H777 as well – pls. forward on mail.
Your help is much appreciated –
Does anyone know where I can download this software? Retevis no longer have it available on their site
Have sent it to you. Please check.