How to programme RT84 in VFO mode by hand?

How to programme RT84 in VFO mode by hand?

RT84 is a Dual Band DMR Radio, frequency is UHF400-480 Mhz and VHF 136-174 Mhz, and it has Direct Mode/Dual Capacity Direct Mode (DCDM).

It is a entry-level amateur hams radio.It have more than 16 soft keyboards, support not only on pc programming, but also by manually.

Today we will learn how to programme RT84 manually.

First of all, we need to make sure the radio can be allowed to program manually. We need to open the software, and ticked the “Program Radio” on “Menu Item”.

Secondly:Choose the VFO A or VFO B in the mode you want to programme,Normally we set VFO A to digital mode and VFO B to analog mode.



Then we can program RT84 Manually.

  1. Turn on the power, Press 【Menu】-Utilities-Radio Setting–Mode-MR Mode.

In frequency mode, Long press【BACK】key on the standby interface, “V”on right side of the screen means that it is manual input frequency mode.

You can manually input the frequency and specify a certain frequency to transmit.

  1. Press menu-contacts-Add contact(Enter Number of the radio you want to talking to ,such as RT3)-Enter Name(RT3)
  2. Press Menu-Utilities-Progam Radio-Rx Frequency(set as 425.62500)-Tx Frequency(Set as 425.62500).
  3. Press Menu-Utilities-Progam Radio-Color Code=1;
  4. Press Menu-Utilities-Progam Radio-Time Slot=1;

Set RT3: As the digital channel mode, and set the same RX & TX Frequency as RT84, Contact Name is Contact1.

Then you can test it, RT84 can communicate with RT3.

Any questions about RT84, welcome to email us: !

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6人评论了“How to programme RT84 in VFO mode by hand?”

  1. This is not manual programming, this is programming by computer!
    Manual programming is just using the keyboard. Please tell me how to get an analogue frequency, such as PMR 446 programmed; so far I get it usable, but I seem unable to get a two analogue frequencies on the radio’s display at the same time; always it is one digital & one analogue, even if I want TWO analogue channels showing.

    1. hi, the VFo mode can help you set your Vfo MODEL with the PMR446 frequency, but you can not save it as a channel!
      The best way to save all PMR446 frequencies is programming by software


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