How to upgrade the firmware(4.05 CSV )on RT82?

How to upgrade the firmware(4.05 CSV )on Retevis RT82?

Now Retevis RT82 have the last firmware version is 4.05, and it have 4 editions:

Retevis RT82(CSV)-V4.05

Retevis RT82(CSV-GPS)-P4.05

Retevis RT82(GPS-REC)-S4.05

Retevis RT82(REC)-D4.05

It is well known that Retevis RT82 have tow models:GPS & NON-GPS, so we have  corresponding version for that.

Do you know the difference between CSV and REC Version? CSV means you can  Import 100,000 contacts, but  No recording function.

REC means It has a recording function but  you can only save 10,000 contacts.

You can choose the version according to your own needs.

Today we will to talk about how to upgrade the firmware of 4.05 CSV Model.

1.Please download the firmware on:

2.Please download the software on:

Please Note: The software for RT82 is universal compatibility with GPS and non-GPS.

3.Please confirm your RT82 radio model, it have GPS & non-GPS, make sure the model is suitable to the firmware.

4.After upgrade, You need to download the contacts list on:

Please choose the “TYT MD-2017&UV380/390 “as below, then “step1-step2-step-3” to down load it.

5. After download, please connect your radio with your computer, Programming your radio in software;

write the contacts in your radio:

Then Disconnect your radio with computer, shut down and restart your radio, update successfully.

Kindly Reminder:

If you see the pop up “ID unknown” when you push the PTT, your receiving all works fine (you can see name call etc..). It is the Normal, please don’t worry.

The CSV contact file which contains all the world ham’s ID. If turn on it, when receive signals it will display the caller information. but when you Press PTT to transmit, you see your ID and the Talk Group that you used, you know your own name etc., So it do not need the info anymore. So this is normal when Press TX shows ” ID unknown”. 














Views: 49

2人评论了“How to upgrade the firmware(4.05 CSV )on RT82?”

  1. How do I upload the contact list for the GPS-REC version?
    The Program-> Write contacts only works with the CSV version.


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