Retevis RT97 is a Portable Mobile Analog Mode Repeater, It has a very wide range of USES.
A lot of customers buy it from Retevis official website, and used for fishpond, Lumber Mill, farm, outdoor activities and so on.
The feedback from them is RT97 is one amazing device.
But one of our customers told us if RT97 has an internal battery to work as a standalone solution, that will be nice.
Yes, We think his suggestion is very good.
But in order to make the repeater smaller and lighter, and We want to make RT97 as simple as possible,
So there is no more room to add a built-in battery.
But Please don’t worry, We have a better solution:
We all know that RT97 have Multi-charger way:
Not only provide the car charger but also provide the DC12V~24V power.
That is to say, you not only can use the household 110V/220V direct current to give RT97 the power supply by an AC/DC adapter.
But also can use the car charger to provide electrical energy to RT97. You can use it in your car, or near your car.
In addition to this, RT97 Also accept 12v~24V external power supply.
If you have a Separate power box, you can use it for RT97.
You just need to buy a Four-core Power connection, One end is connected to the RT97, the other end is connected your power box.
Even we use our Electric bicycle power to give RT97 power supply, it works well.
We connected a car charger cable, which was used as a small relay.
Then we used a long wire, Linked to the battery of the electric bicycle, We twisted the switch, it can give RT97 power supply.
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