Radio Communications in Mountaineering

Why we need radio Communications in Mountaineering

Mountaineering presents unique communications challenges that are only addressed by radio technologies.  Obviously, radio communications are essential in SAR (Search And Rescue) work, but radios are helpful to mountaineers in non-emergency situations as well.  Often while climbing, voices project only short distances and communications between the lead climber and belayer are difficult or even impossible. Voices can be masked by wind or muffled by snow, which is unsafe for the climbers.

My experience in Mountaineering

This winter I was ice climbing in the Canadian Rockies where several times I couldn’t hear my climbing partner when we were separated by less than 50 meters.  This problem is mostly overcome by using lightweight and durable FRS radios to maintain communications among team members. Retevis RB15 is a great example of a radio suited for the job.  It isn’t waterproof, but it’s not fragile either.  The display is uncluttered to allow rapid confirmation of channel settings and the wireless cloning feature makes it simple to match radio settings.  Several radio features are adjustable through the menu feature and more are programmable through a computer interface.  I wish that several of the programmable features were accessible through the menu, but that’s a minor complaint.

The RB15 is small and lightweight which is extremely important to mountaineers who need to minimize pack weight.  In fact, the RB15 is much lighter than my satellite communicator, avalanche beacon and cell phone.  And far less expensive too.   At the RB15’s price point, every mountaineer and climber can afford to up the safety of their game.

Radio Communications in Mountaineering

The article above was from a USA customer comments on Radio Communications in Mountaineering, RB15 has FRS and PMR license-free version, it’s the small and lightweight and some functions can be operated by a keyboard, which widely loved by hams of outdoor activity, if you’re interested in this radio, pls check this link to learn more:

Views: 8

2 thoughts on “Radio Communications in Mountaineering”

  1. My brand new radio straight out of the box is stuck in transmit mode-how do I stop it? The other one is fine.

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