Retevis RB28 NOAA weather Forecast function

Retevis RB28 NOAA weather Forecast function is one of the main features,
As we know, NOAA is very important outdoor, especially meet wicked weather

11 NOAA Weather channels

NOAA weather Forecast function

According to the requirement, the weather function can be used in the United States and Canada
NOAA and Environment Canada have transmitters throughout the United States and Canada.
These transmitters broadcast, forecasts, and other information 24 hours a day. When you are listening to the weather channel, you cannot use radio communication in scan mode and communication mode

How to operate Retevis RB28 NOAA weather Forecast function

NOAA weather Forecast function Retevis RB28

1.In weather mode, press the [◎] button twice until the icon is displayed
2. Press the ˂ or ˃ button to select on/off.
3. Press the 【◎ 】button to exit the weather menu setting.
4. Press and hold the [˂] button for 1 second to return to the radio mode. If you activate the weather alarm and return to the radio mode, the icon will be displayed.

Note: After the weather channel is enabled, when you receive an alarm, press and hold the [˂] button for 1 second, and the weather mode will automatically return to the radio mode.
There are 11 channels. Which the current channel of the radio is set on depends on which channel it’s received

In the system of Retevis product, besides RB28 has NOAA feature, there’re also RT45, RB27, RT49, RT49B, RT49P, and so on

If you would like to learn more about Retevis NOAA radio, welcome to contact us. If you still have questions on the RB28 NOAA weather Forecast function, please email to us,

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