Most of customer know the Retevis RT21 radio model, but they don’t know we designed some new combination for you,and it will be perfect for your use.
Now we will introduce these combination for you,and you can choose them according to your needs.
Retevis RT21 with DC charging base
This is the most common RT21, and it including the DC charging base, same charging way with original two way radios.
It work well for some business , will assign a walkie-talkie to an individual, and they will keep their own radio.
RT21 with USB charging base
This design is convenient for your outdoor using, and it can charging on the computer,on the mobile power, also can charging on the car.
If your company will manage these radio together, this design will help you to easy charging.
And you can combined with 5 port USB adapter
ASIN (B01F5C1QPK),saving source and saving time.
RT21 charging on the radio body
Also have the RT21 can charging on the radio body, and it using micro USB cable which included.It is the best choice for traveling or transport,
because you don’t need to carry the heavy charging base, and it also can connect with car charger adapter.
RT21 with Fixed antenna
Fixed antenna and easy to carry,and not need to replace the antenna,and it will keep the smooth reception.
By the way, it also work well for kids, they will explore outside by them selves.And also the best gifts.
RT21 with high power battery
In order to provide booster for your long time business, we add the 3000mAh battery, so that it will last 36 hours using, support 120 hours long standby.
You don’t need to order so many replacement batteries.
All in all,retevis RT21 have been update, and there are so many combination for you to choose.Choose effective cost one and most suitable one.
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