Chinese 5.5 Ham Festival

Special Event-Chinese 5.5 Ham Festival

Chinese 5.5 Ham Festival

On 5th May 1940, Chinese amateur radio operators started the “On Air Conference”. On 5th May 1947, the Conference covered all regions in China; it was the biggest on-air event.

In 1942 and 1944, there were two exhibitions associated with the “On Air Conference”. In recent years, CRAC organized several events on 5th May every year and designated that date as a Chinese amateur radio festival, called “5.5 Festival”.

Due to COVID-19, CRAC calls for all amateur radio operators to stay home and fight the Conoravirus situation. This year 2020 is the 80th ” Chinese 5.5 Ham Festival”

Ten stations ( (B1CRA, B2CRA, B3CRA, B4CRA, B5CRA, B6CRA, B7CRA, B8CRA, B9CRA, B0CRA) across the country will be on air and make QSOs with amateur radio operators all over the world. Operation period: 00:00UTC 1st May to 12:00UTC 7th May. QSL via BA1GG.


Chinese 5.5 Ham Festival Award Rules

The award will be classified into Bronze, Silver, and Golden which will be measured by slots worked. One slot is a combination of a special call, band and mode. For example: work B1CRA on 20m, in SSB mode = 1 slot.

1. Bronze Award: more than 20 (inclusive) combinations and less than 40 (inclusive) combinations;
2. Silver Award: more than 40 (inclusive) combinations and less than 50 (inclusive) combinations; or more than 40 (inclusive) combinations but not all ten BnCRA stations;
3. Gold Award: more than 50 (inclusive) combinations, and Tonglian includes all ten BnCRA stations.

Number of combinations confirmed, search site: 

For All Applicants:

Bronze Award: 20 slots
Silver Award: 40 slots
Golden Award: 50 slots (Must consist of all 10 special callsigns)

Certificate application method:

For amateur radio stations that meet the award criteria and intend to apply for a certificate, please send an email to before September 30, 2020.
The subject column states “call sign + apply for a 5 · 5 certificate”, and the applicant’s name, call sign, contact phone number, full address, postal code, screenshot of the applied award and website query are provided in the body of the email.



(1) Through LoTW;

(2) Return the card after receiving SASE or return the card via BURO after receiving the incoming card;

(3) Mailing address of the card bureau: Beijing 100029-73 mailbox.

2. The award application only involves effective communication of the short-wave amateur service band.

However, our association (CRAC) advocates amateur radio enthusiasts to carry out a variety of communication and liaison activities on all amateur service frequencies including ultra-short wave bands, especially VHF and UHF bands during the event, to greet each other, promote amateur services, and celebrate us Own holiday.

3. The Amateur Radio Branch (CRAC) of the China Radio Association has the final right to interpret this activity.


CQ, CQ, CQ, B6CRA Calling CQ and standing by.  Frequency: 14.2630Mhz.


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