
Introduction for Squelch function in two way radios

Squelch function is a basic but important function in two way radios. But some users don’t know much about this function. Okay, let’s learn and discuss squelch function together.

Why do we need squelch function?

When we are using a two way radio, we always will meet this problem, we hear some annoying back ground noise, coming from the radio who are talking with us. That noise decreased our communication quality.  Squelch function  is to filter this background noise and enhance our communication quality.

What is squelch grade?

Though squelch function is to strictly decrease, inhibit,or eliminate the background noise, but if over inhibit, the receiving signal will be inhibit together, this is no correct way. So there’s a squel grade we need to set, get maxiumlly get the useful signal and inhibit useless signal.

From the maximum noise to the minimum noise, we cut them up to seveval grades,every grades, we call it squelch grades. Each two ways radio’s squelch grades is not all same. Such as Retevis H777 squelch grades is from 0-9, total 10 grades. Vertex VX160 Squelch grades is from 0-12, total 12 grades. Icom IC-F21 handheld radio squelch grages is from 0-255, total 256 grades. While some super mini radio,is only 0-4 5 grades.

In the grades, the the digit getting bigger, the ability to inhibit the noise get stronger, so receiver will get less interference for noise and other useless signal. But at the same time, it will also be difficult to get some fait but useful signal.

Meanwhile, the  digit getting smaller, the ability to inhibit the noise get weaker, so receiver will get more interference by noise and other useless signal.”0” means the squelch function is closed. So neither the biggest grades, not the smallest grades is best way to set.

whats the best way to set squelch grades?

The rule to set squelch grades is based on the user’s real communication environment and communicate requirements. When users’ communicate range is far, the receiving signal will be weaker, this will need increase the receiving sensibility, then we need adjust the squelch grade in smaller digit;On the other side,if users’ communicate range is near, then the receiving signal will be stronger, also background noisy will be more, now we need decrease the receiving sensibility, then we need adjust the squelch grade in bigger digit;

Because of each two way radio device has different squelch grades catagory, we need adjust the grade based on real using environment, to some extent, based on experience sometimes, but can not only reply on the original factory default setting.

When you feel the communication is off and on all the time, it means the receiving signal is weak, now we need increase the receiving sensitivity, to adjust the squelch grades in a lower grade.

In addition, if your receiving background is noisy, much useless signal, you need adjust the squelch grades to a higher grade(bigger digit) to inhibit these the background noisy.

Where to set the squelch grade?

For radios that have no LCD display, you can set sequel function in the programming software.

h777-squelch-levelFor radio that has LCD display, normally you set it by hand on the keypad is ok.

squelchAnything els you want to discuss together for squelch function?Or any other questions? Please email to kam@retevis.com, we are always here to help!


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