Today is:
Date: Mon, 29 May 2021 03:08:00 +0800
Do you notice anything different about this date? Yes, this date format references the standard ham date recording method and is designed to help hams from different regions of the world keep time. If you are good at geography, it’s easy to understand this timing. However, you may not know how to record the time.
Next, come to the point:
Hamvention has announced canceling the Hamvention 2021 activity, but there are still many events to keep hams engaged and enthusiastic.
Details of the event are as follows:
- Thursday, May 20. 2021 9AM The Virtual Contest University-Zoom
This will be a free event! You can learn so much about Ham radio and hear the techniques and critiques of many of the world’s foremost Hams.
- Friday, May 21. 2021 11AM Zoom
The Hamvention Virtual Forums celebrates the 2021 Hamvention Award winners. Each awardee will give a 45-minute presentation followed by Q&A.
- Saturday, May 22. 2021 8AM-8PM
W8BI, the club call of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association.
Bands: 10M, 15M,20M,40M,80M.
Typical call is: CQ CQ HVQP(Hamvention QSO Party) W8XX(Your call)
However, if you have not attended Hamvention, please send 2021 instead of the year.
Are you ready to participate? If yes, you’d better write a memo; if no, you can keep an eye on related activity.
More information at here: Hamvention
Some Ham radios at here: An AffordableHam radio for beginners-Retevis RT85
Which is the best ham radio for new Preppers?
Retevis RT72 DMR/Analog Ham Radio review
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