Upload DMR Database and factory reset on Retevis RT52

Retevis RT52 as a first dual PTT DMR radio in Retevis DMR radios. It support 10,0000 DMR database. Today let us learn how to upload DMR contacts database to Retevis RT52.

What do you need?

  1. Get a dual PTT dual band DMR radio Retevis RT52
  2. Get a programming cable for RT52.
  3. Download RT52 software from Retevis official website.

How to do?

First we should creat a csv file which compatible with RT52. It can support 10,0000 contacts database, but it only can import 95000 contacts now, our engineer are solving this problem now. ( Now  no website can download the csv database file for RT52, if you need, please email to info@ailunce.com)

Then wrtite to RT52 radio. When getting RT52 on the air, you can see the database on the radio receiving screen.


How to do factory reset on Retevis RT52

Press number 1 key, and the top orange key together, then turn on the radio. Will enter the factory reset operation.

Please watch below video to learn more.

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1人评论了“Upload DMR Database and factory reset on Retevis RT52”

  1. What does factory reset do? Normally, I would expect it to clear all the list and channels. It sets up 32 channels of random frequencies, two scan list with 16 channels each and a couple of zones.


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