HD1 Software can be used for programming your radio by PC. So it is very important.
Ailunce HD1 is a dual band DMR Amateur radio for hams, a lot of hams are professional, but some are new ham.
Where to download the HD1 software?
2 ways:
1, Go to Retevis Resources Center: https://www.retevis.com/resources-center Find the model HD1, then click to download
2, Email to Retevis to get the software.
HD1 Software:
GPS version as the sample
Basic setting
1,Basic information: Connect radio with the pc, then read from radio, you will see the informations like firmware version from here.
- You can set the passwords: writing/reading password and power-on password
- You can set the voice language: english/chinese
- You can set the squelch level(Just in Analog mode)
- You can set the Relay Retransmission, this is repeater automatic connect times. Other radios have no this setting.
- and so on.
3, Key setting: Set two side-keys’ function, Long press and short press to implement the functionality you set.
4, One key call: A quick way to call someone or Message someone.
5, ID setting: 32 Radio IDs can be saved here.
Channel: 3000channels can be saved here. With the VFO-A/B mode.
Zone information:You can add 256 zones here, Put the channels into the zones you set up. Make it easier to find the right channel. Each zone you can add 64 channels.
Radio: HD1 has the FM radio function. 76-107.96Mhz( Receive Only), 32 memory channels.
Contacts: Priority contacts and Address Book contacts
Priority contacts: 10,000 contacts can be saved here! Group Call or Private Call are all supported. Can be programmed by keyboard.
Address Book contacts: 100,000 contacts can be saved here. Click Import contacts to choose the file from your PC, then write contacts to your radio. Please note: this contacts can’t be programmed by keyboard.
RX Group lists: 254 Groups lists can be saved! Make the group call more easily and quickly
DMR service: Encryption: Normal with 4 digits and Enhanced with 32 digits.
Above are the basic software explaination of HD1, A video about details introduction HD1 software and basic programming steps made by Yolanda.
If any question, please feel free to leave a message here!
Views: 53
Please create more training videos.
The radio is good but needs explanation videos with somebody that speaks very good English
hello, would you please tell me which information do you want for Ailunce HD1?
Because we have lots of videos on youtube, you can search the Ailunce HD1 on youtube to check more!
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