Without a waterproof radio, you are just going to waste money given the wet environment associated with kayak fishing. If you fish with friends, having a waterproof FRS radio when kayak fishing is important to share results. Retevis RT49P is the best waterproof floating walkie talkie for kayak fishing. It can meet all your needs for outdoor activities.
Waterproof and Floating

RT49P can be safe to drop in water or have submerged in shallow water up to 1m for 30 minutes. This is one of the most important features to have for kayakers and fishimen since they will use walkie talkies outside in wet environments. RT49P can float on the water in case it drops into water; and the flashlight will flash with white led light, so it help you locate it.
It can be charged by using a Micro-USB charger, or in an emergency, can be powered by AA batteries. In usual, battery life is far superior when using AA batteries.
Emergency SOS Mode
When push the SOS button, it will emit SOS signal, begin to flash a red light, and begin an open line of communication to the other walkie talkies. It is a safety feature to have in an emergency situation where one fellow needs immediate help.
Can be Hand-free

The walkie talkie has an area on the back where the belt clip connects to, which can be easily tied some strings. It allows users to hang their walkie talkies around their neck like a necklace, or tie to something like their backpacks. Furthermore, RT49P perfect matches with covert air acoustic earpiece J9164F for hands free use and private conversation.
Built-in flashlight
Which is a back up light to have in case of an emergency. It is a great feature and extra piece of gear to have in case of an emergency or for use during smaller and less important tasks such as finding something in your tent, car, campsite, etc.
Why not try Retevis RT49P best waterproof floating walkie talkie to start kayaking trips?
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Read this blog to learn more about waterproof function of RT49P:
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