[video] RT3 & RT8 driver manual installation
RT3 & RT8 driver manual installation The USB driver […]
Custome review. “How to …”
So as we all know that TOT (Time out Timer )is used to set the continuous emission maximum time of walkie talkies. Then what about TOT Pre-alert / TOT Re-key / TOT Reset in the picture and how do they work ?
Many customers may be curious about the function of TOT ,wondering what it is set for and why it is needed ,well today let’s take an example of RT1 to talk about the TOT .
If you want long-term storage your walkie talkie batter
At the moment the radio world is looking at worlds bigg
Want to know which Retevis model has 1750Hz tone and what is the 1750Hz tone ? A simple function but important to Repeater !