For camping lovers, it’s important to bring gears with waterproof function because you don’t know when it will rain heavily. May you have known about many our waterproof walkie talkies, currently, there is a new member RT45P to join in this team. It means that you have more choices to find a waterproof walkie talkie suits you. So let us have a look at this IP67 outdoor gear for camping-RT45P waterprpoof walkie talkies
Great Features for Camping:
1.IP67 Waterproof
RT45P rates IP67, which means it has good waterproof and dustproof performance. In harsh environments, IP67 is the best protection for walkie talkies.
2.NOAA Weather Channel
On FRS band, RT45P has 11 NOAA weather channel. From NOAA, you can receive the most comprehensive weather and emergency information, including warnings, watches, forecasts, current weather observations, and other hazard information, 24 hours a day. Please note that this function can be used on FRS radio, it is not available on PMR446.
3.Whistle Function
You may notice its special belt clip with a whistle icon. It’s not only the belt clip, but also a real whistle. When encounter danger/emergency, just remove the belt clip and use it as a whistle. Isn’t very interesting? You don’t need to take an extra whistle, just take this radio. The belt clip is very lightweight and removable, wherever you need to use the whistle, you can take it with you.

4.Dual Watch and Room Monitor
RT45P has dual watch function, it can help you monitor two channels at the same time in case of omission. It can also monitor the room/baby. Its room monitor function would be very useful when you are camping with children. When noise in the room goes above a given threshold, this function will be actived and automatically calls a specific number. (like a baby phone does) When your baby is sleeping in the tent, this function can remind you of children’s situation.
Memory Channel: 16 Channels (PMR446)/22 Channels (FRS)
Output power: 2 W / 0.5 W
Battery Capacity:1000mAh (NIMH AA rechargeable batteries x 3)
Working time (5:5:9): 12 Hours
Item Dimensions: 184.5*60*34mm
Weight: total 220g (include battery, belt clip)
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