Retevis mini Mobile ham radio transceiver RT98

Mini Mobile ham radio transceiver RT98 was released on August, 2019 by Retevis.

With the selling price only USD69 on Retevis Official website, and you will get the 24-month after-sale service.

The front panel of RT98 mini mobile ham radio:

Retevis RT98-front-panel

There are 5buttons on its front panel: from left to right, they are: Function menu, VFO/Memory mode key, scan key, SQL key and power on/off volume key.

The RT98 apperance:


The Mobile radio’s accessories:

Mobile radio accessories

The size-Mini Mobile radio RT98

With the size: 190*145*73mm, only 450g weight without package.


Applicable Antenna 

The model: MR100 Magnet mount & antenna for Mobile Car Radio

mini mobile raido with antenna
mini mobile raido with antenna

RT98 mini mobile radio functions:

  1. It is the Single band radio, UHF: 400-490Mhz/VHF will coming soon.
  2. Number of Channels:199 channels
  3. With the power High 15W/Medium 10W/ low 5W
  4. Can switch the VFO/Memory mode by its front panel.
  5. Channel Scan/Frequency Scan: TO/CO/SE
  6. Monitor: short press the key: SQL to turn on the monitor, press again to turn off the monitor.
  7. CTCSS/DCS: can offer 51 CTCSS codes,1024 DCS codes
  8. Quick display voltage: Press the key: Fun and SQL at the same time, RT98 display will show the Voltage.
  9. Squelch Level: 0~9 value
  10. Mic gain: Level 1~16
  11. Retevis offer the programming software, you can download from here:
  12. It is the Mini mobile radio, can be installed in your car easily, also offer the hanger to place your speaker mic.

More about this mini Mobile ham radio transceiver RT98, please contact us by the following ways:





Views: 27

18人评论了“Retevis mini Mobile ham radio transceiver RT98”

  1. Is this transceiver programable by using PC?
    Will there be any PC software released for easy bulk programming channels into this radio?

    1. Hello, thanks for your message!
      yes, you can program this mobile radio by pc, we will offer the software for you to program.
      If you want to program for bulk, you can program one, then save as the file, then connect different RT98 to the computer, open the file on software, then write to the radio. If you need more RT98, please let me know, I will offer you a best price!
      Or you can email me:

  2. Robert Roberts

    My rt98 won’t scan just emits a low tone when scan button is pressed. All channels are added and keypad is not locked out can any one help?

    1. sorry, this radio can’t be used with the MMDVM, please choose the digital mode radio, this radio RT98 is the analog model mobile radio.

  3. Wirandoko Boedhy Andryastho

    Hi, I already bought RT98 that has arrived. Its operating in VHF, though I prefere for UHF. But its ok.
    After I opened and tried, It lock in memory mode / Channel. I pushed V/M button, still can not change the frequencies as I prefered used. Would you help me to assist how to unlock memory mode?

  4. My New Retevis RT98 VHF Serial 2.0XXXX doesn´t works the VFO !!!. Haw can do ???. I appreciatte any help !!!

    1. Hi, dear, very sorry for the delay! The new version RT98 didn’t support VFO mode. we will make some improvements in the future.

  5. Hello
    In September 2020, I ordered an RT98.
    VFO mode does not work. Can you help me with that? I only bought the device because of the VFO mode …

    1. Hi, dear, very sorry for the delay! The new version RT98 doesn’t have a VFO mode, sorry for bringing you so much inconvenience, and we will make some updates in the future!

  6. Ade Damanhuri

    I can’t operate the device, the V/M function just does not work, it remains in chanel 1 and one frequency only. How can I solve the problem?

    1. andre d simmons

      I have the same problem. Cannot even program with software. Radio is just garbage. No one can help me. I want a refund or a new radio that works.

      1. Daniel Manson

        Same problem here…..V/M doesn’t work, remains channel 1 and one frequency. Can’t program at all, doesn’t read or write to the radio. Help


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