Retevis RT98 is the Mini mobile car radio, it is the analog model with 199 channels, lots of functions can be edited by manually. It is an affordable mobile radio, only USD69 you will get it.
In addition to the common features, it also has the following features:
Before this, we need to know the buttons of this radio:

1, Switch the VFO and Memory mode easily
Press the V/M button you can switch the VFO and Memory mode.
2, APO setting
APO means Auto Power off.
Long Press the FUN button to enter into No.15 Function, the LCD appears APO.
Once APO is activated, the mini mobile radio RT98 will be automatically power off when the preset time is end.
Time for your choose:
- 30: Auto power off after 30minutes
- 60: Auto power off after 60minutes
- 120: Auto power off after 120minutes
- Off: Disable APO
3, AOP setting
AOP means Auto power on.
There are some choice when you active this function.
- On: Auto power on
- Off: Power on by manual
4, Reverse Frequency
Enter No.07 function menu, the LCD display “REV”.
When turn on this function, the Tx Frequency turns to Rx frequency& Rx frequency changes to Tx frequency. The signaling will reverse if CTCSS/DCS signaling existed in this channel
- On: Turn on reverse function
- Off: Turn off reverse function
5, Signaling combination setup
Enter No.01 function menu, the LCD displays “SKP”.
This function can improve the level of blocking irrelative signals.
- SQ: You can hear the calling when receive a matching carrier
- CTC: You can hear the calling when receive a matched carrier and CTCSS/DCS signaling. This setting is valid only when CTCSS/DCS signaling added
6, CTCSS/DCS scan
This Mini Mobile radio support the CTCSS/DCS scan.
Short press Fun and SQL button to enter CTCSS/DCS encode/decode menu, short press SQL again until LCD display CT or DCS. CT means CTCSS scan and DCS means DCS scan.
Short press SCA button will enter CTCSS/DCS scan, You can use the Up Or Dn button on the speaker Mic to change.
7, Talk around
This function enable direct communication with other radios in case the repeater is not activated or when out of the repeater range.
- On: Turn on talk around function
- Off: Turn off talk around function
8, Editing channel name
Press the FUN, find the No.5 , the LCD displays Name
- press UP/DNor turn VOL knob to choose character for present cursor location
- Press V/M key to confirm and move to next character edit
- Press Fun key to return to last character edit
- But in VFO mode, this function will be auto-hidden
9, Mic gain setup
This mini mobile radio can set the Mic gain from value 1-16
10, Reset function
if you want to reset your RT98, or your RT98 seems to be malfunctioning, reset it may solve your problem.
11, It is the best mobile radio with the affordable price
The price of this mini mobile radio is only USD69, you can order from here:
With these features of mini mobile car radio RT98, don’t you want to get one?
If any question, please feel free to contact us by following ways:
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