RT29 is a Large capacity battery 3000mAh, High Power, three level for output power radio.
But how to program RT29,Let us program it together.
Program RT29 when you need make some changes:
Please following these steps.
Program RT29 radio-Basic operation of program RT29 radio
Step 1.Please download RT29 software and HD1 USB driver here. https://www.retevis.com/resources-center
And then install RT29 software and HD1 USB driver.
Step 2.You need HD1 program cable J9131P.
Step 3. Let J9131P connected radio side and PC side.
Step 4.Turn on RT29 radio.
Step 5.We will find RT29 radio software interface.
Step 6.Click Setting–Set Com, choose right Com. Please check in computer-device manager.
Step 7.Click “Program”—Read from radio. click “Read”. Then you will find the data of the radio.
Program RT29 radio-change frequency
Step 8.If you want to change the radio frequency. Find the channel you want to change. click “»”. You can change the frequency CTCSS/DCS here.
For Example, Channel 1: RX frequency 446.625
TX frequency 446.625
CTCSS/DCS Decode 67.0
CTCSS/DCS Encode 67.0
Step 9.You can also change the TX power, Channel Spacing and so on.
Step 10.Click “program”–Write to radio. Then all data will be saved to your radio.
If you want to know more about RT29 radio. contact us freely: support@retevis.com
Views: 38
Hello, I have an Rt29 retevis and I am not able to set the free frequencies of Spain 446.006.25, 446.018.75, 446.031.25, …….. and that of CTCSS 67.0 Hz, 71.9 Hz, … .
I put UHF 400-480Mhz, and it recognizes me the COM port because I can change the language … but nothing ….. tells me: “frequency is out of range” What can I do ??? Thank you
I’ve got the same problem : the software doesn’t accept “.” but I can’t type in “,”
did you find something about it ?
what is the retevis answer ??
hi, when you program your RT29, what’s the error message? You can make a video or screen shot for us, then send to our email: partner@retevis.com
we will check,then answer you!
Best regards
had the same issue and changed my regional seettings in Chineese in Windows regional settings.
It solved this problem for me. I also had a blank screen when I came back to the channel list after having configured a channel, this issue has also been solved after having changed temporarily my regional settings.
Hope this helps!
Hello! The program only reads if my RT29 VHF is without an antenna, is this normal?
If the radio has the antenna, it shows a reading failure in the program.
You may check the USB driver.