Almost all Retevis radio have their software ( except the children’s and outdoor use radio), so you can program the frequency and basic functions. But some customers can not program successfully, today we share yous some tips when program Retevis radio software.
1, Most software only can use on windows system, only the following can program on MAC by CHIRP:
2, Do you find the right programming cable? the charging cable can’t use to program.
3, Do you find the right software ( the license free radio software from our website is not editable , you need contact retevis to send you by whatsapp, e-mail or skype)
4, You need find the right COM.port after you link your radio by the programming cable to your computer: Open the device manager, and whether the port is displayed normally (My Computer-Management-Device Manager-Port)
5, Please install the USB driver first before you open the software.
6, How to change Chinese Version to English Version? Usually it can be change in the same place “设置”-“语言设置”-“英文”
7, When you meet password , please try to ignore it and click next.
8, If you follow all the right step, but still can not program, maybe there is something wrong with the cable.
The above is the tips when program Retevis radio software.
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Views: 5
good afternoon we need the software to program the radio H777. We are in Venezuela and we are a company of radiocomunicatios and repair your equipment. Can you help us. E mail
Dobrý den. Potřebuji programovací softwer k Retivis RB 618. Jsem z České Republiky . Děkuji : Martin Liferenko