Retevis RT-5R configuración de la frecuencia marina
Retevis RT-5R configuración de la frecuencia marina. Re […]
Retevis RT-5R configuración de la frecuencia marina Read More »
Retevis RT-5R configuración de la frecuencia marina. Re […]
Retevis RT-5R configuración de la frecuencia marina Read More »
Many customers ordered Retevis analog repeater RT97, and retevis analog radios. Do you have the portable Walkie talkie Case Storage Box for conveniently hold them?
Retevis Multi-Unit Chargers for two way radios, can all
To meet many customers required, Retevis develop multi charger for some models, like RT22, RT21, H777 and so on, Let us learn how many Retevis multi chargers available
New Arrival!Retevis released a mini but powerful analog repeater, Retevis RT97. Which is economical in price, but powerful in communication range increasing.
Powerful Retevis analog repeater RT97 is coming! Read More »
The necessary condition for Retevis H-777, RT21 and RT-
Per realiazzare la comunicazione tra Retevis walkie talkie RT5 e Retevis walkie talkie RT7
When you wanna know who are talking on the same frequency, or you want to talk into an unknown channel you are interested in, then you need scan function. How to set Retevis RT24 scan function?
Many customers bought our Retevis walkie talkie that has keyboard and LCD display, but they don’t know how to write frequency manually.Sometimes you are not able to get a computer or a programming cable, writing frequency manually is very easy and convenient.